Hey everybody,
since the last config discords were always deleted, i decided to make one myself and take all possible precautions to prevent deletion.
Currently there are the following config categories: Gomme, Rewindside, Hivemc, MC-Central, Redesky, Jartex, Pikanetwork and "Others".
If many people actively use the discord I will also add scripts.
Invite: https://discord.gg/ZbFfftd
PS: If you are a config maker and want to upload them, please contact me Pascool#0420
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Welcome to Forums CCBlueX!
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I think this thread should be removed because of these following reasons:
- The discord channel itself is named Minecraft Mods & Shaderpacks.
- Last time I joined the server, I didn't see any channels related to configs.
- It sends a
Messages failed to load
error while being in the server. (It could be me)
It is basically a mods & shaderpacks server, unless they have added configs lately. If so, then ignore this post.
Welcome to Forums CCBlueX!
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@mems said in New Official Config Discord:
It sends a Messages failed to load error while being in the server. (It could be me)
this is because you don't have access to any channel, therefor you cannot see any channel nor access them, so discord is trying to load the channel you are currently but fails due to the missing permissions.
can you redo link