Hive Scaffold Addon
I completly recoded the script.
- Now u can switch between different booleans (includes: speed modes, speed motion, antiflag - still in progress may not working like it should.)
- Also a Autofreecam (not that usefull cause u only fall if u dont have blocks. The SAFEWALK dont works with the Motion!!!!)
- Customize: u can customize the Antiflag thing (still not perfect), and the autofreecam fall distance
- I also added a LoadSettings Button. The problem w that is that booleans are not loaded, cause im too bad for coding. (I dont know how to set the booleans like i want them).
- Basicly thats it. U can download it and watch a demo vid down there
have fun w it!
AntiFlag (In progress) LoadSettings (Not perfect sadly :c)
Lol i already have a sprintjumpscaffold for Hive. Mine even has "Fallprotect", which if you should really fall down, saves you too. And even if it doesn't save you, you can use the "Autofreecam" setting to double and triple protect yourself. My scaffold also works for AAC4 and Intave. -
Urs cracks my scaffold settings and i have to reset them manually thats because i made this xd
If u want me to remove it, ill do -
@FaaatPotato it's okay, you can leave it here. Just surprised someone code a bypass that's already in place and working almost perfectly. Because I can tell you, the Scaffold from Liquidbounce has a bug. When you jump, the scaffold doesn't build at the highest point. This ensures that no Sprint Jump Scaffold can work 100%. Sooner or later you will fall down because the scaffold cannot follow. That's why our Scaffold also has a "Fallprotect" and an "Autofreecam".
This post is deleted!
Complete Recode idk have fun
@FaaatPotato You can learn how to change the value ingame by take a closer look at CzechHek's BlockAnimation script.
@Asutoboki-kun ik here u can find it too. Modules/Settings but this is sadly apiv2 i only code in apiv1 cause im bad at coding xd