A question about building a LiquidBounce -
how to import legacy liquidbounce into idea@coolguy_yt_2010 create a folder with the name "run" in LiquidBounce-legacy\LiquidBounce-legacy\1.8.9-Forge
how to import legacy liquidbounce into idea@der so i made a mistake, you have to open cmd and cd into this folder with all files in and write "gradlew --debug setupDevWorkspace idea genIntellijRuns build" so delete this folder and make a new one
only open intellij when you are finished and than you can import this project -
how to import legacy liquidbounce into idea@coolguy_yt_2010 try again to start if not work go to 1.8.9-Forge build.gradle line 93 and replace
compile 'com.github.TheAltening:TheAltening4j:api-2.0-22541fa70f-1' with compile 'com.github.TheAltening:TheAltening4j:-SNAPSHOT' -
how to import legacy liquidbounce into idea- cd into the legacy folder wirte than in the terminal gradlew --debug setupDevWorkspace idea genIntellijRuns build
- open in intellij this project and click "Load as gradle project"
how to import legacy liquidbounce into idea- https://github.com/CCBlueX/LiquidBounce/tree/legacy download zip
- Download gradle https://gradle.org/releases/ like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XcO_BujfeQ
- open in intellij this project and click "Load as gradle project"