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    Set a target block in the clickgui, and enable the module, it will manage to get to there and get back ( To succeed, there must be at leat one way to get to it) It doesnt actually have any value as a movement module, but the pathfinding core can be used in some more interesting fields like controling bots to fetch diamonds for you. I kept some necessary comments in the code. Here's the donwload (.kt): Example Video:
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    @Username21 If you need to remove the watermarks on images or screenshots of inventory, you must respect copyrights and not use their contents without permission. If you wish to personalize your pictures, you can use any editing tools such as Photoshop or GIMP.
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    Well, actually, the translator misunderstood what it really meant. But will Grim's velocity bypass be added this year?
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    [image: 1739582663910-fdc85523-64be-4876-b032-b2e579f729f7-image.png] yeah those arent working
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    Pacman vibes