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  • 3 Topics
    4 Posts DevilishRar created this issue in CCBlueX/LiquidBounce open [FEATURE] XBow/Bow Cart #5799
  • Share and discover scripts for LiquidBounce

    22 Topics
    70 Posts
    function __require(path) { if (path.startsWith("@embedded")) { return globalThis } if (path.startsWith("@minecraft-yarn-definitions/types/")) { return { [path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)]: Java.type(path .replaceAll("@minecraft-yarn-definitions/types/", "") .replaceAll("/", ".") ) } } return require(path); } var exports = {} "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); // imports /* eslint-disable unused-imports/no-unused-imports */ const _embedded_1 = __require("@embedded"); const CommonPingS2CPacket_1 = __require("@minecraft-yarn-definitions/types/net/minecraft/network/packet/s2c/common/CommonPingS2CPacket"); // Global variables for storing transaction data const transactionQueue = []; const MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 100; // Global statistics let totalTransactions = 0; let lastReportTime = 0; const REPORT_INTERVAL = 5000; // Report every 5 seconds const PARAMETER_FREQUENCY = {}; const script = _embedded_1.registerScript.apply({ name: "transactions", version: "1.0.0", authors: ["commandblock2"] }); script.registerModule({ name: "transactions", description: "Logs transactions packets for anticheat detection", category: "Client", settings: { reportInterval:{ name: "ReportInterval", default: 5, range: [1, 60], suffix: "seconds" }), showParameters: _embedded_1.Setting.boolean({ name: "ShowParameters", default: true }), logToChat: _embedded_1.Setting.boolean({ name: "LogToChat", default: true }), verbose: _embedded_1.Setting.boolean({ name: "Verbose", default: false }) } }, (mod) => { mod.on("enable", () => { // Reset statistics totalTransactions = 0; lastReportTime =; // Clear the queue transactionQueue.length = 0; // Reset parameter frequency for (const key in PARAMETER_FREQUENCY) { delete PARAMETER_FREQUENCY[key]; } _embedded_1.Client.displayChatMessage("§a[Transactions] Monitoring started. Use .txstats to see statistics."); }); mod.on("disable", () => { _embedded_1.Client.displayChatMessage("§c[Transactions] Monitoring stopped."); }); mod.on("packet", (event) => { if (event.packet instanceof CommonPingS2CPacket_1.CommonPingS2CPacket) { const parameter = event.packet.getParameter(); const timestamp =; if (mod.settings.verbose.getValue()) { _embedded_1.Client.displayChatMessage(`§a[Transactions] Received parameter: ${parameter}`); } // Add to queue transactionQueue.push({ timestamp, parameter }); // Keep queue size limited if (transactionQueue.length > MAX_QUEUE_SIZE) { transactionQueue.shift(); } // Update statistics totalTransactions++; PARAMETER_FREQUENCY[parameter] = (PARAMETER_FREQUENCY[parameter] || 0) + 1; // Check if it's time to report const currentTime =; const reportIntervalMs = mod.settings.reportInterval.getValue() * 1000; if (mod.settings.logToChat.getValue() && currentTime - lastReportTime >= reportIntervalMs) { reportStatistics(); lastReportTime = currentTime; } } }); // Function to report statistics function reportStatistics() { if (transactionQueue.length === 0) { return; } const packetsPerSecond = calculatePacketsPerSecond(); _embedded_1.Client.displayChatMessage(`§e[Transactions] §fRate: §a${packetsPerSecond.toFixed(2)} §fpackets/sec | Total: §a${totalTransactions}`); if (mod.settings.showParameters.getValue()) { const topParameters = getTopParameters(8); if (topParameters.length > 0) { _embedded_1.Client.displayChatMessage(`§e[Transactions] §fTop parameters: ${ => `§a${p.parameter}§f(${p.count})`).join(", ")}`); } } } // Calculate packets per second based on queue data function calculatePacketsPerSecond() { if (transactionQueue.length < 2) { return 0; } const oldestTimestamp = transactionQueue[0].timestamp; const newestTimestamp = transactionQueue[transactionQueue.length - 1].timestamp; const timeSpanSeconds = (newestTimestamp - oldestTimestamp) / 1000; return timeSpanSeconds > 0 ? transactionQueue.length / timeSpanSeconds : 0; } // Get top N most frequent parameters function getTopParameters(n) { return Object.entries(PARAMETER_FREQUENCY) .map(([parameter, count]) => ({ parameter: parseInt(parameter), count })) .sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count) .slice(0, n); } }); // Register a command to view transaction statistics script.registerCommand({ name: "txstats", aliases: ["transactionstats"], parameters: [{ name: "action", required: false, validate: _embedded_1.ParameterValidator.string }], onExecute(action) { if (action === "clear") { // Clear statistics totalTransactions = 0; transactionQueue.length = 0; for (const key in PARAMETER_FREQUENCY) { delete PARAMETER_FREQUENCY[key]; } _embedded_1.Client.displayChatMessage("§a[Transactions] Statistics cleared."); return; } if (transactionQueue.length === 0) { _embedded_1.Client.displayChatMessage("§c[Transactions] No transaction data available."); return; } // Display basic statistics const packetsPerSecond = calculatePacketsPerSecond(); _embedded_1.Client.displayChatMessage(`§e[Transactions] §fStatistics:`); _embedded_1.Client.displayChatMessage(`§fTotal transactions: §a${totalTransactions}`); _embedded_1.Client.displayChatMessage(`§fCurrent rate: §a${packetsPerSecond.toFixed(2)} §fpackets/sec`); // Display queue info _embedded_1.Client.displayChatMessage(`§fQueue size: §a${transactionQueue.length}/${MAX_QUEUE_SIZE}`); // Display top 5 parameters const topParameters = getTopParameters(5); if (topParameters.length > 0) { _embedded_1.Client.displayChatMessage(`§fTop 5 parameters:`); topParameters.forEach((p, index) => { _embedded_1.Client.displayChatMessage(`§f ${index + 1}. Parameter §a${p.parameter}§f: ${p.count} occurrences (${(p.count / totalTransactions * 100).toFixed(1)}%)`); }); } // Display time range if (transactionQueue.length >= 2) { const oldestTimestamp = transactionQueue[0].timestamp; const newestTimestamp = transactionQueue[transactionQueue.length - 1].timestamp; const timeSpanSeconds = (newestTimestamp - oldestTimestamp) / 1000; _embedded_1.Client.displayChatMessage(`§fTime span: §a${timeSpanSeconds.toFixed(2)} §fseconds`); } } }); // Helper functions for command execution function calculatePacketsPerSecond() { if (transactionQueue.length < 2) { return 0; } const oldestTimestamp = transactionQueue[0].timestamp; const newestTimestamp = transactionQueue[transactionQueue.length - 1].timestamp; const timeSpanSeconds = (newestTimestamp - oldestTimestamp) / 1000; return timeSpanSeconds > 0 ? transactionQueue.length / timeSpanSeconds : 0; } function getTopParameters(n) { return Object.entries(PARAMETER_FREQUENCY) .map(([parameter, count]) => ({ parameter: parseInt(parameter), count })) .sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count) .slice(0, n); } Note that LiquidBounce cannot run typescript, at least as of now. // imports /* eslint-disable unused-imports/no-unused-imports */ import { Setting, Vec3i, Vec3d, MathHelper, BlockPos, Hand, RotationAxis, mc, Client, RotationUtil, ItemUtil, NetworkUtil, InteractionUtil, BlockUtil, MovementUtil, ReflectionUtil, ParameterValidator, UnsafeThread, registerScript } from "@embedded"; import { CommonPingS2CPacket } from "@minecraft-yarn-definitions/types/net/minecraft/network/packet/s2c/common/CommonPingS2CPacket"; /* eslint-enable unused-imports/no-unused-imports */ // DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING ABOVE THIS LINE // Define the TransactionEntry interface for storing packet data interface TransactionEntry { timestamp: number; parameter: number; } // Global variables for storing transaction data const transactionQueue: TransactionEntry[] = []; const MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 100; // Global statistics let totalTransactions = 0; let lastReportTime = 0; const PARAMETER_FREQUENCY: { [key: number]: number } = {}; const script = registerScript.apply({ name: "transactions", version: "1.0.0", authors: ["commandblock2"] }); script.registerModule({ name: "transactions", description: "Logs transactions packets for anticheat detection", category: "Client", settings: { reportInterval:{ name: "ReportInterval", default: 5, range: [1, 60], suffix: "seconds" }), showParameters: Setting.boolean({ name: "ShowParameters", default: true }), logToChat: Setting.boolean({ name: "LogToChat", default: true }), verbose: Setting.boolean({ name: "Verbose", default: false }) } }, (mod) => { mod.on("enable", () => { // Reset statistics totalTransactions = 0; lastReportTime =; // Clear the queue transactionQueue.length = 0; // Reset parameter frequency for (const key in PARAMETER_FREQUENCY) { delete PARAMETER_FREQUENCY[key]; } Client.displayChatMessage("§a[Transactions] Monitoring started. Use .txstats to see statistics."); }); mod.on("disable", () => { Client.displayChatMessage("§c[Transactions] Monitoring stopped."); }); mod.on("packet", (event) => { if (event.packet instanceof CommonPingS2CPacket) { const parameter = event.packet.getParameter(); const timestamp =; if (mod.settings.verbose.getValue()) { Client.displayChatMessage(`§a[Transactions] Received parameter: ${parameter}`); } // Add to queue transactionQueue.push({ timestamp, parameter }); // Keep queue size limited if (transactionQueue.length > MAX_QUEUE_SIZE) { transactionQueue.shift(); } // Update statistics totalTransactions++; PARAMETER_FREQUENCY[parameter] = (PARAMETER_FREQUENCY[parameter] || 0) + 1; // Check if it's time to report const currentTime =; const reportIntervalMs = mod.settings.reportInterval.getValue() * 1000; if (mod.settings.logToChat.getValue() && currentTime - lastReportTime >= reportIntervalMs) { reportStatistics(); lastReportTime = currentTime; } } }); // Function to report statistics function reportStatistics() { if (transactionQueue.length === 0) { return; } const packetsPerSecond = calculatePacketsPerSecond(); Client.displayChatMessage(`§e[Transactions] §fRate: §a${packetsPerSecond.toFixed(2)} §fpackets/sec | Total: §a${totalTransactions}`); if (mod.settings.showParameters.getValue()) { const topParameters = getTopParameters(8); if (topParameters.length > 0) { Client.displayChatMessage(`§e[Transactions] §fTop parameters: ${ => `§a${p.parameter}§f(${p.count})`).join(", ")}`); } } } // Calculate packets per second based on queue data function calculatePacketsPerSecond(): number { if (transactionQueue.length < 2) { return 0; } const oldestTimestamp = transactionQueue[0].timestamp; const newestTimestamp = transactionQueue[transactionQueue.length - 1].timestamp; const timeSpanSeconds = (newestTimestamp - oldestTimestamp) / 1000; return timeSpanSeconds > 0 ? transactionQueue.length / timeSpanSeconds : 0; } // Get top N most frequent parameters function getTopParameters(n: number): { parameter: number, count: number }[] { return Object.entries(PARAMETER_FREQUENCY) .map(([parameter, count]) => ({ parameter: parseInt(parameter), count })) .sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count) .slice(0, n); } }); // Register a command to view transaction statistics script.registerCommand({ name: "txstats", aliases: ["transactionstats"], parameters: [{ name: "action", required: false, validate: ParameterValidator.string }], onExecute(action: string) { if (action === "clear") { // Clear statistics totalTransactions = 0; transactionQueue.length = 0; for (const key in PARAMETER_FREQUENCY) { delete PARAMETER_FREQUENCY[key]; } Client.displayChatMessage("§a[Transactions] Statistics cleared."); return; } if (transactionQueue.length === 0) { Client.displayChatMessage("§c[Transactions] No transaction data available."); return; } // Display basic statistics const packetsPerSecond = calculatePacketsPerSecond(); Client.displayChatMessage(`§e[Transactions] §fStatistics:`); Client.displayChatMessage(`§fTotal transactions: §a${totalTransactions}`); Client.displayChatMessage(`§fCurrent rate: §a${packetsPerSecond.toFixed(2)} §fpackets/sec`); // Display queue info Client.displayChatMessage(`§fQueue size: §a${transactionQueue.length}/${MAX_QUEUE_SIZE}`); // Display top 5 parameters const topParameters = getTopParameters(5); if (topParameters.length > 0) { Client.displayChatMessage(`§fTop 5 parameters:`); topParameters.forEach((p, index) => { Client.displayChatMessage(`§f ${index + 1}. Parameter §a${p.parameter}§f: ${p.count} occurrences (${(p.count / totalTransactions * 100).toFixed(1)}%)`); }); } // Display time range if (transactionQueue.length >= 2) { const oldestTimestamp = transactionQueue[0].timestamp; const newestTimestamp = transactionQueue[transactionQueue.length - 1].timestamp; const timeSpanSeconds = (newestTimestamp - oldestTimestamp) / 1000; Client.displayChatMessage(`§fTime span: §a${timeSpanSeconds.toFixed(2)} §fseconds`); } } }); // Helper functions for command execution function calculatePacketsPerSecond(): number { if (transactionQueue.length < 2) { return 0; } const oldestTimestamp = transactionQueue[0].timestamp; const newestTimestamp = transactionQueue[transactionQueue.length - 1].timestamp; const timeSpanSeconds = (newestTimestamp - oldestTimestamp) / 1000; return timeSpanSeconds > 0 ? transactionQueue.length / timeSpanSeconds : 0; } function getTopParameters(n: number): { parameter: number, count: number }[] { return Object.entries(PARAMETER_FREQUENCY) .map(([parameter, count]) => ({ parameter: parseInt(parameter), count })) .sort((a, b) => b.count - a.count) .slice(0, n); }
  • Share and discover scripts for LiquidBounce

    1 Topics
    1 Posts
    [image: 1739619958719-801dc743-7715-478d-995c-c695388eca5e-image.png] Features (maybe xD) reveal effect from [image: 1739620123639-780a460d-9f42-4d85-8d84-c7bfc4f2f3d9-image.png] absolutely no rounded corner use platform dependent font Hack and not packaging it into the theme xD in-consistent effect application (not on buttons like Bind) not polished at all other gui not changed at all horrible performance no instruction to install at all Jokes aside this is indeed a WIP theme and don't expect it be perfect. To contribute to this theme, prs and issues are welcomed,
  • A place for community-made configs

    7 Topics
    10 Posts
    librecraft config that doesnt silent flag that would be decent if has a working timer speed, timer scaffold, tower, at least a 4 block reach (i think it doesnt silent flag until above 4 block reach normally) liquidbounce legacy alr has a librecraft settting which does bypass but the scaffold is disgusting and slow and silent flags (unnatural placement kick) and the rest of the config randomly silent flags and you get auto banned after like 15 minutes.