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    Update: subsequent updates will be available on and the generated script was reverted to a state where it was not as readable as the following example (for correctness) but still largely remained the same. Now it can kinda generate a working script, but the ts file has a few squiggles. [image: 1738243517052-e3e18814-1645-4bd5-8244-7b8f44663aff-image.png] template.ts // imports import { Setting, Vec3i, Vec3d, MathHelper, BlockPos, Hand, RotationAxis, mc, Client, RotationUtil, ItemUtil, NetworkUtil, InteractionUtil, BlockUtil, MovementUtil, ReflectionUtil, ParameterValidator, UnsafeThread, registerScript } from "@embedded"; import { ScriptModule } from "@minecraft-yarn-definitions/types/net/ccbluex/liquidbounce/script/bindings/features/ScriptModule"; import { Matrix2d } from "@minecraft-yarn-definitions/types/org/joml/Matrix2d"; const script = registerScript.apply({ name: "template", version: "1.0.0", authors: ["commandblock2"] }); script.registerModule({ // @ts-ignore name: "example-from-template", // @ts-ignore description: "Ths is an example module generated in ts", // @ts-ignore category: "Client" }, (mod: ScriptModule) => { mod.on("enable", () => { Client.displayChatMessage(`${mc.player}`) Client.displayChatMessage(`${new Vec3i(1, 2, 3)}`) Client.displayChatMessage(`${new Matrix2d(1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 15)}`) Client.displayChatMessage("enabled") }) mod.on("disable", () => Client.displayChatMessage("disabled")) }) compiled template.js function __require(path) { if (path.startsWith("@embedded")) { return { _embedded: globalThis } } if (path.startsWith("@minecraft-yarn-definitions/types/")) { return { [path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)]: Java.type(path .replaceAll("@minecraft-yarn-definitions/types/", "") .replaceAll("/", ".") ) } } return require(path); } var exports = {} "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const { _embedded } = __require("@embedded"); const { Matrix2d } = __require("@minecraft-yarn-definitions/types/org/joml/Matrix2d"); const script = _embedded.registerScript.apply({ name: "template", version: "1.0.0", authors: ["commandblock2"] }); script.registerModule({ // @ts-ignore name: "example-from-template", // @ts-ignore description: "Ths is an example module generated in ts", // @ts-ignore category: "Client" }, (mod) => { mod.on("enable", () => { _embedded.Client.displayChatMessage(`${}`); _embedded.Client.displayChatMessage(`${new Vec3i(1, 2, 3)}`); _embedded.Client.displayChatMessage(`${new Matrix2d(1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 15)}`); _embedded.Client.displayChatMessage("enabled"); }); mod.on("disable", () => _embedded.Client.displayChatMessage("disabled")); }); [image: 1738243717904-1cb70c51-cc7f-4a90-a122-eff6ab0ad68f-image.png]
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    @Username21 If you need to remove the watermarks on images or screenshots of inventory, you must respect copyrights and not use their contents without permission. If you wish to personalize your pictures, you can use any editing tools such as Photoshop or GIMP.
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    When to add NewGrim When to add Grim "speed" bypass ? be like Jump reset+Drag Click
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    RotationUtils.INSTANCE.setTargetRotation在legacy b97中应该怎么用? 我从之前的js里找到了RotationUtils.INSTANCE.setTargetRotation方法,但无法加载到b97。js源码如下: How to use “RotationUtils.INSTANCE.setTargetRotation” in Legacy B97? I found the ”RotationUtils.INSTANCE.setTargetRotation“ method from an old JS script, but it cannot be loaded in B97.The following are some details:[image: 1738489082387-c1deb05f-f4ad-43d5-9de1-a4cbead2c12a-image.png] 如果可能的话,请提供一个如何使用正确内容或方法的示例,谢谢! If possible, please provide an example of how to use the correct content or method, thank you!
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