hi i release scripts
targethud script: TargetHUD.js
- RedeKillsults script:
Important: To use the redekillsults script, you have to extract the zip file into your scripts folder. Inside the killsults folder in the zip there is a "killsults.txt" file which contains your messages you want to send. Each line is a message. %name% will be replaced with target's name
@chocopiexd SEX OMG
@chocopiexd SEXXX
many sigma skid
omg sigma target hud leak!!
@chocopiexd cry about it
lixo exibiton skid code exposed
@chocopiexd sexy sex
@chocopiexd cry about it
@skiddermaster412 Lets gooo
Bro i make a this TargetHUD second
TargetHud.js -
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@ender1355 15+*