i cant start liquidbunce from intellij, these are the error from the run configuration:

miky 08p
@miky 08p
can someone help? -
how to run liquidbunce?@wisso :axolotcooler::axolotcry:
how to run liquidbunce?i have liquidbunce opened in inteliJ but i dont know how to run it. Can someone help me?
Decomple a clienti have this custom liquidbunce and i dont know how to decompile it, anyone can help me?
ESP@skidma i dont know how to code, i'm a shit
ESP@skidma can you give me please?
ESPSomeone have some nice esp module (skeleton, csgo style, or a simple health bar)
De-obfuscate a script@skidma it just a nametag script but it's obfuscate and i dont know how to De-obfuscate, so it steal
something like alt, or other? -
De-obfuscate a script@skidma i tink there are some libs you need lib.zip
De-obfuscate a script@skidma really, maybe try b72
De-obfuscate a scriptcan someone de-obfuscate this script please?NameTags.js