cubecore hasn't bypassed for years, legacy gets you auto banned if you join on cubecraft anyways
Cubecore download needed for testing -
[Request] i wonderyes, but it only bypasses on a very very old version of grim
Does it work on API V2?@CCPP123123 I did try this recently and I don't think it worked, you probs need to use an older version
nextgen config cloud@xzrw You can upload it here and I can upload it for you or I can teach you how
It's fairly easy if you do want to know -
help quick thx everything is in codes@kongdej can you try use a client other then liquidbounce, otherwise that's a server issue
I admit that my post is spam, but I hope LB can improve the old module@moon you dont have to learn javascript, liquidbounce is open source you can edit it directly.
LiquidNextGen@KiddoPlayingMC viafabricplus -
Plugins@Areca the server your using it on blocks it
[LB Nextgen] Customization Button Missing@lxsd sadly nextgen doesn't have this yet
gives my script grim velocity please -
How to write modules。@moon If your using Javascript you can use vscode or any text editor.
If your modifying liquidbounce you can use intellij -
lb b 73 scripts not workThere is no further support for 1.12.2 due to the insane amount of bugs and issues
Liquidbounce b85@Gabriel i want to guess he means anticheat? not autoclicker, just a hunch
i cant find the liquid bounce folder@Omarion-Hylton are you using liquidlauncher?
Can you agree to my idea@moon ask in guilded if you MUST talk to the developers.
Suggestions for updating the combat module.I'm going to guess your talking about Legacy. You can already attack invisible entities by selecting the target module in the clickgui and clicking "Invisibles"
Why forks don't merge their changes with legacy liquidbounce and dont helping in developement?@Plumer-Man yeah, i made a script out of it to try and it was terrible
Vulcan HighjumpA really badly made Vulcan Highjump
var script = registerScript({
name: "VulcanHigh",
version: "1.0",
authors: ["Razzy"]
});var hasJumped = false;
name: "VulcanLong",
description: "Vulcan Long Mode",
category: "Movement"
}, function (module) {
module.on("update", function () {
if (!hasJumped && mc.thePlayer.onGround) {
mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0.8995931202;
hasJumped = true;
} else if (hasJumped) {
}); -
Why forks don't merge their changes with legacy liquidbounce and dont helping in developement?@mems How would you feel about me trying to merge something like this?
(I'm not Chinese It's just the only video if it I could find.)It's from KevinClient Reborn and im 99% sure no other client has this that I've found so far. Pretty sure I could make some improvements to it aswell due to the glide aspect of it being pretty inefficient.
Audio Visualiser@FatMole_Panda liquidbounce does not have a music player in the first place