@crixygaming install memoryfix script enable it when your fps is low and than disable it
some one
@some one
Liquid Fps trash -
How do I put a configuration?@mathiasruizxd put them in settings in Liquidbounce 1.8 and than .localconfig load name
CrackPixel Step@natalka Why don't you want to disable ip bans or antivpn? Because telling that your ac is the best and trying to prevent people from testing it is strange
Scaffold Go Broom Broom while in air@dont_doubt I just use jump diogonal scaffold (simple mode)
CrackPixel Step@etheride Why not to create a mode a spicail for hackers to show ac power. No bans just messages like we caught you cheating
How to add text in Liquid Bouncing B73 (except the original Liquid Bouncing)@zengzihang123 click 2 times on text to change it