Is LiquidBounce compatible with all Forge mods?
No, there are some mods that are not compatible with LiquidBounce (e.g. BetterAnimations). As a rule of thumb you can remember that mods that make major changes to Minecraft or its GUI will not work with LiquidBounce. So don't even try to use the client with large mod packs.
But we can write a module ourselves.
perhaps writing: Hit color Direction Freelook Zoom Hit box Keystrokes Motionblur
Not compatible but we can -
BUGAimBot:Not working on invisible players.
Add some more modes;check block break
strafe increase
aim while on target -
So we can strengthen certain modulesOf course, we can also improve the GUI and HUD to become more aesthetically pleasing and aesthetically pleasing.I think these modules need to add some new features.Aimbot Auto Clicker Velocity
Aimbot:I don't know why he didn't see the invisible player in seconds. He opened lnvisible and didn't work.Get to the point.Vertical self aiming plus, players can modify the speed of self aiming while moving.
Auto Clicker:Add a fake CPS mode and better AC and algorithm to bypass many servers.
Velocity:Jump mode improvement。Type of player being attacked, monster, animal, nature, specified options, jumping。Push back from the side and hit vertically from the back, making a jump while repelling the opponent's knife。 -
LiquidBounce new ideas and suggestionsWhy doesn't it hava its own bypass?Can he become a ghost client?We should keep up with the trend and improve HUD and GUI to strengthen bypass, such as (the next generation of LB)Can I become a ghost client。
[Script]TestScaffold 2.0(Beta version)Velocity Jump 模式有个bug我不知道怎么形容?
Velocity Jump 添加一些选项:
指定选项进行Jump是它达到no kd
模式:range 范围 delay 延迟
invisible 自瞄可搜寻隐身玩家
check block break 在你挖方块的时候边上有人 不进行自瞄
aim vertically 启动垂直自瞄
vertically speed 垂直自瞄速度