The ???'s is stop updating, From now on, I'll take care of it.
This code is beautiful, i love it.///api_version=2 var script = registerScript({ name: "MatrixBotRemover", version: "1.0", authors: ["???"] }); var EntityPlayer = Java.type("net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer"); var HashSet = Java.type("java.util.HashSet"); var HashMap = Java.type("java.util.HashMap"); var ArrayList = Java.type("java.util.ArrayList"); var notAlwaysInRadius; var playerList; var xHash; var zHash; var next; function isBot(entity, speed) { return entity != mc.thePlayer && speed > 6.75 && speed < 27.5 && mc.thePlayer.getDistanceToEntity(entity) <= 5.5 && within(entity.posY, mc.thePlayer.posY - 1.5, mc.thePlayer.posY + 1.5); } function within(n, mi, ma) { return n <= ma && n >= mi; } script.registerModule({ name: "MatrixBotRemover", category: "Misc", description: "Remove the bots made by Matrix AntiCheat." }, function (module) { module.on("enable", function() { notAlwaysInRadius = new HashSet(); // <EntityPlayer> playerList = new ArrayList(); // <EntityPlayer> xHash = new HashMap(); // <EntityPlayer, Double> zHash = new HashMap(); // <EntityPlayer, Double> next = false; }); module.on("motion" , function(event) { if (notAlwaysInRadius.size() > 1000) notAlwaysInRadius.clear(); for (var i in mc.theWorld.getLoadedEntityList()) { var entity = mc.theWorld.getLoadedEntityList()[i]; if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer && (mc.thePlayer.getDistanceToEntity(entity) > 15.0 || !within(entity.posY, mc.thePlayer.posY - 2.0, mc.thePlayer.posY + 2.0))) { notAlwaysInRadius.add(entity); Chat.print("§8[§9§lMatrixBotRemover§8] §c" + entity.getName() + " §3is a Player."); } } }); module.on("update", function() { if (!next) { for (var i in mc.theWorld.getLoadedEntityList()) { var entity = mc.theWorld.getLoadedEntityList()[i]; if (!(entity instanceof EntityPlayer) || entity == mc.thePlayer || notAlwaysInRadius.contains(entity)) continue; playerList.add(entity); xHash.put(entity, entity.posX); zHash.put(entity, entity.posZ); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < playerList.size(); ++i) { var entity = playerList.get(i); var xDiff = entity.posX - xHash.get(entity); var zDiff = entity.posZ - zHash.get(entity); var speed = Math.sqrt(xDiff * xDiff + zDiff * zDiff) * 10; if (speed != 0 && speed != NaN && isBot(entity, speed)) { mc.theWorld.removeEntity(entity); Chat.print("§8[§9§lMatrixBotRemover§8] §3Remove §a" + entity.getName() + "§3."); } } playerList.clear(); xHash.clear(); zHash.clear(); } next = !next; }); module.on("disable", function() { playerList.clear(); xHash.clear(); zHash.clear(); }); });
Did it work in Latest Lb?
@alien-gurke yes and its good
@faaatpotato I could make it work on cross-version in like half a minute but that would be contraproductive.
@faaatpotato I hit Antibots if I enabled it?
@alien-gurke soo idk if its just me stoopid but i have a jartex matrix cfg for lb 72 killaura and it bypasses so yeh
@alien-gurke nah m8 the orignal one
@alien-gurke stickman hook said in MatrixBotRemover:
@rafay Settings??