A suggestion, that will fix scripts on b73 x-version. [Fixing wrapped MC issues]
I suggest reverting change in IFontRenderer, I mean, refactor fontHeight -> FONT_HEIGHT.
Second of all, add 2 new events. WPacketEvent and WAttackEvent.
WPacketEvent will return Packet<*> instead of IPacket(IPacket does not has <>, also it returns PacketImpl in script api, that isn't being unwrapped.), WAttackEvent will return Entity instead of IEntity(IEntity returns an EntityImpl, that does not has health variable and etc...)
Third of all, use these events in script api, so it will be small-fixed.
I think, I explained this perfectly. -
Also, add new variable like wmc, that will return Minecraft.getMinecraft() instead of IMinecraft. This will fix some problems in 1.12.2 b73 LiquidBounce
Explaination of Packet<?> and IPacket.
Packet<?> is like massive class, that contains all packets in one.
IPacket isn't.
IPacket is just interface, PacketImpl is implementation of Packet (without <>)
I still did not understand, why PacketImpl does not 'unwrap' itself to Packet<Any?>
In few words: In ScriptAPI IPacket returns PacketImpl, that MUST unwrap itself to Packet<?>. But it does not.
This will be like Packet<?> -> PacketImpl -> IPacket -> PacketImpl -> Packet<?> and again, again, again.... -
@skidma in case, this is my screenshot. I already asked for this feature on github (23 days ago)