What is the "minpredictsize" and "maxpredictsize" of the killaura for?
What is the "minpredictsize" and "maxpredictsize" of the killaura for?
please answer me. -
Consider that latency exists, and your enemy is moving. If you hit it directly, the server(with anticheat) may think you are not hitting the hitbox. This option may make you aim at a position your enemy might going to be in the next few ticks, so that the server will think you are actually hitting the hitbox when the server recieve your attack packet.
Edit: the option doesn't affect range
if (predictValue.get()) boundingBox = boundingBox.offset( (entity.posX - entity.prevPosX) * RandomUtils.nextFloat(minPredictSize.get(), maxPredictSize.get()), (entity.posY - entity.prevPosY) * RandomUtils.nextFloat(minPredictSize.get(), maxPredictSize.get()), (entity.posZ - entity.prevPosZ) * RandomUtils.nextFloat(minPredictSize.get(), maxPredictSize.get()) ) val (vec, rotation) = RotationUtils.searchCenter( boundingBox, outborderValue.get() && !attackTimer.hasTimePassed(attackDelay / 2), randomCenterValue.get(), predictValue.get(), mc.thePlayer.getDistanceToEntityBox(entity) < throughWallsRangeValue.get(), maxRange ) ?: return false
To bypass some anticheats that actually think that you are using aim hacks
It can help us reduce the attack speed so it can bypass more server (for example TurnSpeed 180 and PredictSize 5.0 will make the killaura attack enemies much slower than TurnSpeed 180 and PredictSize 1.0)
@notautismatall Ok thanks for the information, And does that affect the damage the killaura does?
@commandblock2 oh, thanks bro