does anyone know how to code liquidbounce using notepad?
Press Windows key + R (This opens the run prompt)
Type in ‘cmd’Now a window will open up
- Type in the following command:
takeown /f C:\Windows\System32
This will give you ownership of the Sys32 folder.
- Type in the following to gain file permissions of Sys32:
cacls C:\Windows\System32
@легипарк-фортнайт Typically, hacked clients are not coded inside of notepad. They are coded using IDEs, such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA. However, it is possible to code liquidbounce scripts inside of notepad, but it will be alot more difficult, because it wont show suggestions, errors in the code, etc.
@idkmyname You mean skidma?
@idkmyname ++notepad
@idk-my-name You mean NoCheat+ ?
@skidma You mean NoChest+?