@fan-pvp-official then go and copy it
@fan-pvp-official I don't do that kind of stuff.
big iq issue moment
@fan-pvp-official ok I decompiled like shit, but you wanted the code here it is now go skid this on your own
Edit: It is in java not JavaScript so yeah, also thanks for the client time to skid a ton of shit and where did you get this client// =============================================== // // Recompile disabled. Please run Recaf with a JDK // // =============================================== // // Decompiled with: CFR 0.151 // Class Version: 6 package me.aristhena.client.module.modules.movement.fly; import me.aristhena.client.module.Module; import me.aristhena.client.module.modules.movement.Fly; import me.aristhena.client.module.modules.movement.Speed; import me.aristhena.client.module.modules.movement.fly.FlyMode; import me.aristhena.event.Event; import me.aristhena.event.events.MoveEvent; import me.aristhena.event.events.UpdateEvent; import me.aristhena.utils.ClientUtils; import me.aristhena.utils.MoveUtils; public class NCPFly extends FlyMode { private double moveSpeed; private double lastDist; public static int stage; public NCPFly(String name, boolean value, Module module) { super(name, value, module); } @Override public boolean enable() { if (super.enable()) { if (ClientUtils.player() != null) { this.moveSpeed = Speed.getBaseMoveSpeed(); } this.lastDist = 0.0; stage = 0; } return true; } @Override public boolean onMove(MoveEvent event) { if (super.onMove(event) && ClientUtils.player().moveForward != 0.0f || ClientUtils.player().moveStrafing != 0.0f) { if (stage == 0) { this.moveSpeed = 1.0 + Speed.getBaseMoveSpeed() - 0.05; } else if (stage == 1) { ClientUtils.player().motionY = 0.42; event.setY(0.42); this.moveSpeed *= 2.13; } else if (stage == 2) { if (Fly.boost) { MoveUtils.toFwd(Fly.speed); } double difference = 0.66 * (this.lastDist - Speed.getBaseMoveSpeed()); this.moveSpeed = this.lastDist - difference; } else { this.moveSpeed = this.lastDist - this.lastDist / 159.0; } this.moveSpeed = Math.max(Speed.getBaseMoveSpeed(), this.moveSpeed); ClientUtils.setMoveSpeed(event, this.moveSpeed); ++stage; } return false; } @Override public boolean onUpdate(UpdateEvent event) { if (super.onUpdate(event)) { ClientUtils.player().onGround = true; ClientUtils.player().isAirBorne = false; if (event.getState() == Event.State.PRE && (ClientUtils.player().moveForward != 0.0f || ClientUtils.player().moveStrafing != 0.0f)) { double xDist = ClientUtils.x() - ClientUtils.player().prevPosX; double zDist = ClientUtils.z() - ClientUtils.player().prevPosZ; this.lastDist = Math.sqrt(xDist * xDist + zDist * zDist); } } return false; } }
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@божественная-кара agreed
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