Will i get banned in hypixel with these settings ?
@plumer-man yes
@vapeisexpensive Video?
@plumer-man i dont really have one but any settings i try on hypixel i just get no kb
@plumer-man you can try it your self im using b73 tho
Hi, there's a high percentage of you getting banned!
@vapeisexpensive i remember that happend to me too before idk why
@vapeisexpensive not sure tbh try getting on a test server till you figure it out..
@vapeisexpensive hypixle doesn't ban for reach anyway, autoblock & keepsprint is detected, fakeswing for legit usage is pointless, it doesn't work like vape's fake swing. don't mess up with vertical velocity, use minimum 45% horizontal in game modes other than ranked skywars. lb aura is detected anyway by staff on hypixle. just bind aimbot and trigger to same bind.
edit: u can use scriptolotl script for reduce velocity in hypixle with lb