How to add teams and antibot to this
function getClosestEntity() { var filteredEntites = [] for (var i in mc.theWorld.loadedEntityList) { var entityC = mc.theWorld.loadedEntityList[i] if (EntityUtils.targetMobs && (entityC instanceof EntityMob || entityC instanceof EntitySlime)){ filteredEntites.push(entityC) } if (EntityUtils.targetAnimals && (entityC instanceof EntityAnimal || entityC instanceof EntitySquid)){ filteredEntites.push(entityC) } if (EntityUtils.targetPlayer && (entityC instanceof EntityPlayer && entityC != mc.thePlayer)){ filteredEntites.push(entityC) }
ModuleAntiBot = LiquidBounce.moduleManager.getModule("AntiBot") filteredList = Java.from(mc.theWorld.loadedEntityList) .filter(function(entity) { // The function was private, you can use Reflector from Core.lib or you can manually setAccessible return !Reflector(ModuleAntiBot).isBot(entity) }) .filter(function(entity) { // your code here // EntityUtils .... return true })