epik ncp fly $$$
@plumer-man i dont know what that means, but the the slime and piston thing
/// api_version=2
var script = registerScript({
name: "GradualTimer",
version: "1.0",
authors: ["chocopie"]
});var ticks = 0;
var currentTimer = 1;script.registerModule({
name: "GradualTimer",
category: "Misc",
description: "sigma jello",
settings: {
startTimer: Setting.float({
name: "StartTimer",
min: 0.1,
max: 10,
default: 1.85
endTimer: Setting.float({
name: "EndTimer",
min: 0.1,
max: 10,
default: 1.0
speed: Setting.integer({
name: "Speed",
min: 1,
max: 20,
default: 1
delay: Setting.integer({
name: "Delay",
min: 1,
max: 20,
default: 3
}, function (GradualTimer) {
GradualTimer.on("enable", function() {
currentTimer = GradualTimer.settings.startTimer.get();
ticks = 0;
mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0.09;
GradualTimer.on("update", function() {
mc.timer.timerSpeed = currentTimer;
if(currentTimer > GradualTimer.settings.endTimer.get() && ticks == GradualTimer.settings.delay.get()) {
currentTimer -= 0.05 * GradualTimer.settings.speed.get()
ticks = 0;
GradualTimer.on("disable", function() {
mc.timer.timerSpeed = 1;
}); -
@plumer-man said in epik ncp fly $$:
ant the timer starts at a lower value and goes up or that the ti
ohh starts high and goes down
@fart-cheese the official scriptAPI docs doesn't help much...any other?
@banana1221 Help with what
@plumer-man Doesn't help much in coding or examples..
@plumer-man ou ups "am not gay#7142" here
@plumer-man yea it flags but not that much ig, if I have it on lowish settings
@banana1221 i mean he only wanted to show his bypasses not give off the script
@ccblaux-admin U n d e r s t a n d a b l e
h a v e
n i c e
d a y -
@ccblaux-admin I have read and tried out every example and JS lesson from w3schools, step 1: complete