B73 and packet S02
Try to replacepacket = e.getPacket()
withpacket = e.getPacket().wrapped
.If you are having problems with wrapped packets on cross-version.
@faaatpotato What you need is
@konoha-scarlet ig no
i was just laizy
var S02 = Java.type("net.minecraft.network.play.server.S02PacketChat");
did not type that into my top message
@faaatpotato use wrapped packets with searge obfuscated methods
@fartcheese all of them correctly work if you use wrapped access & searge names
example (I did not really use "wrapped access" because I fixed this shit by changing wrapped events to unwrapped in my custom build):
non xversion:onPacket: function(e) { e.getPacket() instanceof C03PacketPlayer && (e.getPacket().onGround = true); }
onPacket: function(e) { e.getPacket() instanceof C03PacketPlayer && (e.getPacket().wrapped.field_149474_g = true); //onGround }
@idk-my-name said in B73 and packet S02:
searge names
You can find all of them in LiquidBounce-1.8/mcp-stable_22.srg
@idk-my-name yeah, and by telling a lot of script makers to use wrapped packets because of a change