Since I have problems with 2 other scripts, I need something like "only friends aimbot". There is a module called nofriends, so you attack all the people you have added, but also the others. I just want my aimbot to only attack the people who I have "middleclickfriended" so that I don't look out for other players and can also take several. I've been looking for something like this for a long time and it should work on the b72
@joel-kek I made this script for someone like 1 year ago.
ForcedAimbot.js///api_version=2 (script = registerScript({ name: "ForcedAimbot", version: "1.1", authors: ["CzechHek"] })).import("Core.lib"); module = { name: "ForcedAimbot", category: "Combat", values: [ name = value.createText("Nick", ""), range = value.createFloat("Range", 4.4, 1, 8), turnspeed = value.createFloat("TurnSpeed", 20, 1, 180), fov = value.createFloat("FOV", 180, 1, 180), center = value.createBoolean("Center", false), lock = value.createBoolean("Lock", true) ], onStrafe: function () { target = Java.from(mc.theWorld.playerEntities).find(function (player) player.getName() == name.get()) if (target && mc.thePlayer.getDistanceToEntity(target) <= range.get() && RotationUtils.getRotationDifference(target) <= fov.get() && (lock.get() || RotationUtils.isFaced(target, range.get()))) { targetRotation = center.get() ? RotationUtils.toRotation(RotationUtils.getCenter(target.getEntityBoundingBox()), true) : (result = RotationUtils.searchCenter(target.getEntityBoundingBox(), false, false, true, false, range.get())) && result.getRotation(); if (targetRotation) { RotationUtils.limitAngleChange( new Rotation(mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw, mc.thePlayer.rotationPitch), targetRotation, turnspeed.get() + Math.random() ).toPlayer(mc.thePlayer); } } } }