SwitchNoFall (BetterNoFall recode)
var scriptName = "CleanNoFall"; var scriptVersion = 2.3; var scriptAuthor = "yorik100"; var C03PacketPlayer = Java.type('net.minecraft.network.play.client.C03PacketPlayer'); var C04PacketPlayerPosition = Java.type('net.minecraft.network.play.client.C03PacketPlayer.C04PacketPlayerPosition') var C05PacketPlayerLook = Java.type('net.minecraft.network.play.client.C03PacketPlayer.C05PacketPlayerLook'); var C06PacketPlayerPosLook = Java.type('net.minecraft.network.play.client.C03PacketPlayer.C06PacketPlayerPosLook'); var S08PacketPlayerPosLook = Java.type("net.minecraft.network.play.server.S08PacketPlayerPosLook"); var blinkModule = moduleManager.getModule("Blink"); var AxisAlignedBB = Java.type("net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB"); var cleanNoFall = new CleanNoFall(); var client; function inVoid() { if (mc.thePlayer.posY < -1.8) { return true; } else { return mc.theWorld.getCollidingBoundingBoxes(mc.thePlayer, mc.thePlayer.getEntityBoundingBox().offset(0, -(mc.thePlayer.posY / 2), 0).expand(0, (mc.thePlayer.posY / 2), 0)).isEmpty(); } } function CleanNoFall() { var Mode = value.createList("Mode", ["Packet", "Verus", "AACFlag", "FlagGround", "AACPacket"], "Packet"); var NoVoidSpoof = value.createBoolean("NoVoidSpoof", false); var MinFallenBlocksToSpoof = value.createInteger("MinFallenBlocksToSpoof", 16, 0, 30); this.getName = function() { return "SwitchNoFall"; }; this.getDescription = function() { return "NoFall"; }; this.getCategory = function() { return "Player"; }; this.addValues = function(values) { values.add(NoVoidSpoof); values.add(MinFallenBlocksToSpoof); values.add(Mode); }; this.getTag = function() { return Mode.get(); } var posY = 0; var pulse = false; var pos = 0; var packets = []; this.onEnable = function() { posY = mc.thePlayer.posY; this.mario = 0; this.happened = false; this.isFalling = false; var packets = []; }; this.onDisable = function() { if (packets.length > 0) { this.isFalling = false; for (var i = 0; i < packets.length; i++) { var packet = packets[i]; mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(packet); } packets = []; } }; this.onUpdate = function() { if (mc.thePlayer.onGround) { this.mario = 0; } if (Mode.get() == "AACPacket" && mc.thePlayer.motionY > -0.18 && (!inVoid() || !NoVoidSpoof.get() || mc.thePlayer.fallDistance <= MinFallenBlocksToSpoof.get()) && mc.theWorld.getCollidingBoundingBoxes(mc.thePlayer, mc.thePlayer.getEntityBoundingBox().offset((mc.thePlayer.motionX * 2), -1.5, (mc.thePlayer.motionZ * 2)).expand(0, 0, 0)).isEmpty() && !(mc.thePlayer.motionY >= 0 || mc.thePlayer.isInWater() || mc.thePlayer.isInLava() || mc.thePlayer.isOnLadder() || mc.thePlayer.isInWeb || mc.thePlayer.ridingEntity != null) && !this.isFalling) { this.isFalling = true; } if (mc.thePlayer.isInWater() || mc.thePlayer.isInLava() || mc.thePlayer.isOnLadder() || mc.thePlayer.isInWeb || mc.thePlayer.ridingEntity != null) { this.mario = mc.thePlayer.fallDistance - 0.2; } if ((Mode.get() == "AACPacket" || packets.length > 0) && (mc.thePlayer.onGround || mc.thePlayer.motionY >= 0 || !mc.theWorld.getCollidingBoundingBoxes(mc.thePlayer, mc.thePlayer.getEntityBoundingBox().offset(0, (mc.thePlayer.motionY - 0.08) * 0.98, 0).expand(0, 0, 0)).isEmpty() || (inVoid() && NoVoidSpoof.get() && mc.thePlayer.fallDistance <= MinFallenBlocksToSpoof.get()) || (mc.thePlayer.isInWater() || mc.thePlayer.isInLava() || mc.thePlayer.isOnLadder() || mc.thePlayer.isInWeb || mc.thePlayer.ridingEntity != null) || packets.length >= 29)) { if (this.isFalling) { this.isFalling = false; if (packets.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < packets.length; i++) { var packet = packets[i]; mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(packet); } packets = []; } } } } this.onPacket = function(event) { var packet = event.getPacket(); if (mc.theWorld != null && mc.thePlayer != null) { if (packet instanceof S08PacketPlayerPosLook) { this.mario = mc.thePlayer.fallDistance - 0.2; this.happened = false; this.isFalling = false; if (packets.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < packets.length; i++) { var packet = packets[i]; mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(packet); } packets = []; } } if (!inVoid() || !NoVoidSpoof.get() || mc.thePlayer.fallDistance <= MinFallenBlocksToSpoof.get()) { switch (Mode.get()) { case "Packet": if (packet instanceof C04PacketPlayerPosition || packet instanceof C06PacketPlayerPosLook) { if ((posY - packet.y > 2.7) && !mc.thePlayer.onGround) { packet.onGround = true; } if (posY != packet.y) { posY = packet.y; } } if (packet instanceof C03PacketPlayer && (mc.thePlayer.fallDistance >= (this.mario + 3.2))) { this.mario = mc.thePlayer.fallDistance - 0.2; packet.onGround = true; } break; case "AACPacket": if (packet instanceof C03PacketPlayer && this.isFalling && !event.isCancelled()) { packet.onGround = true; event.cancelEvent(); packets.push(packet); } break; case "Verus": if (packet instanceof C03PacketPlayer && (mc.thePlayer.fallDistance >= (this.mario + 3.2))) { this.mario = mc.thePlayer.fallDistance - 0.2; packet.onGround = true; mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0; } break; case "AACFlag": if (packet instanceof C03PacketPlayer && (mc.thePlayer.fallDistance >= (this.mario + 2.6))) { this.mario = mc.thePlayer.fallDistance - 0.3; packet.onGround = true; mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0; } break; case "FlagGround": if (mc.thePlayer.fallDistance >= (this.mario + 3.2)) { this.happened = true; } if (packet instanceof C03PacketPlayer && packet.onGround && this.happened) { packet.y -= 0.5; packet.onGround = true; this.happened = false; packet.onGround = false; } break; } } } } } function onLoad() {} function onEnable() { client = moduleManager.registerModule(cleanNoFall); } function onDisable() { moduleManager.unregisterModule(client); }
@CzechHek said in SwitchNoFall (BetterNoFall recode):
They're completly different and do completly different stuff duh
Pls do a better PacketAAC Nofall of your 1.0 Version!
CzechHecks BlinkFall doesnt bypass Redesky AAC but your PacketAAC Nofall in v1 does work, but at around 30 blocks you will get a bit Dammage, 40blocks much more Dammage, and so on.
Would be good if you get No Falldammage at every Distance (or like 100 Blocks).
Here is the link btw:
This Video shows your PacketAAC Nofall (in v1) at 0:10 and 1:18
(it shows "packet" because I played with b72, but I used "packetaac")
https://streamable.com/imcvdg -
@Alien-Gurke said in SwitchNoFall (BetterNoFall recode):
Pls do a better PacketAAC Nofall of your 1.0 Version!
CzechHecks BlinkFall doesnt bypass Redesky AAC but your PacketAAC Nofall in v1 does work, but at around 30 blocks you will get a bit Dammage, 40blocks much more Dammage, and so on.
Would be good if you get No Falldammage at every Distance (or like 100 Blocks).
Here is the link btw:
This Video shows your PacketAAC Nofall (in v1) at 0:10 and 1:18
(it shows "packet" because I played with b72, but I used "packetaac")
https://streamable.com/imcvdgDone, also BlinkFall worked fine for me with MaxFallTime 10.000 packet mode instant timer 1.0 NoFall enabled
@Alien-Gurke If it puts you back then it works because it's an AntiVoid for any anticheat. Increase the max fall time.
Update : BRAND NEW AACPACKET NOFALL + VOID DETECTION REWORK (thanks to idkwhome for making his blink open source, had no idea of how to make a blink) https://gyazo.com/9eabd4d294300ed5b60896b0622263d9
AACPacket still works fine up to 25-30 blocks but after 30 blocks you will die instand.
@Alien-Gurke said in SwitchNoFall (BetterNoFall recode):
AACPacket still works fine up to 25-30 blocks but after 30 blocks you will die instand.
Ofc, that's the max
@Player said in SwitchNoFall (BetterNoFall recode):
@yorik100 the nofall 40% of the time works in redesky pls fix
- It works 80% of the time
- Blame Redesky, not me
good work