Matrix Speed?
Who has the speed javascript that can be used in the matrix,Plase You can giveing me?
- Help
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@Leejames2305 Oh thank U My friend
I believe this works:
var scriptName = "Speed"; var scriptVersion = 1.0; var scriptAuthor = "Choco, visionFX"; var exampleModule = new ExampleModule(); var exampleModuleClient; function ExampleModule() { this.getName = function() { return "CSpeed"; }; this.getDescription = function() { return "weird speed"; }; this.getCategory = function() { return "Movement"; }; this.onUpdate = function() { if(mc.thePlayer.onGround) { mc.gameSettings.keyBindJump.pressed = false; mc.thePlayer.jump(); } if(!mc.thePlayer.onGround && mc.thePlayer.fallDistance <= 0.1) { mc.thePlayer.speedInAir = 0.02; mc.timer.timerSpeed = 1.4; } if(mc.thePlayer.fallDistance > 0.1 && mc.thePlayer.fallDistance < 1.3) { mc.thePlayer.speedInAir = 0.0205; mc.timer.timerSpeed = 0.65; } if(mc.thePlayer.fallDistance >= 1.3) { mc.timer.timerSpeed = 1; mc.thePlayer.speedInAir = 0.02 } } this.onDisable = function() { mc.timer.timerSpeed = 1; mc.thePlayer.speedInAir = 0.02 } } function onLoad() { }; function onEnable() { exampleModuleClient = moduleManager.registerModule(exampleModule); }; function onDisable() { moduleManager.unregisterModule(exampleModuleClient); };
- That's for AAC
- It's shit
@ChocoPie_isme ik its for aac but I tested it some time ago and it worked perfectly fine
also we all know matrix is aac skidded almost all the latest aac bypasses work -
@hahayes oh nice this is chinahyt speed