Target Strafe
@ButterChicken he doesn't ask if original lb has target strafe, he is asking for a script
@sdkfgiuj I suggest you take a look at the old forums (
I think this works but it isn't too good and I think it doesn't bypass any anticheats
var scriptName = "TargetStrafe" var scriptAuthor = "je5442804" var scriptVersion = 1.6 var EntityPlayer = Java.type('net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer'); var AntiBot = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.misc.AntiBot") var LiquidBounce = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.LiquidBounce"); var Teams = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.misc.Teams");//Thank Nvaros function getClosestEntity() { //Function by Scorpion3013 var filteredEntites = [] for (var i in mc.theWorld.loadedEntityList) { var entity = mc.theWorld.loadedEntityList[i] if (entity instanceof EntityPlayer && entity != mc.thePlayer) { filteredEntites.push(entity) } } filteredEntites.sort(function (a, b) { var distanceA = mc.thePlayer.getDistanceToEntity(a) var distanceB = mc.thePlayer.getDistanceToEntity(b) return distanceB - distanceA; }) return filteredEntites[filteredEntites.length - 1] } function TargetStrafe() { var distance0 = value.createFloat("Distance", 2.5, 1.0, 4.00) var motionXZ = value.createFloat("MotionXZ" , 0.28, 0.01, 0.60) this.getName = function() { return "TargetStrafe" } this.getDescription = function() { return "Piao Piao Piao!!!" } this.getCategory = function() { return "Movement" } this.onEnable = function() { } this.onDisable = function() { } this.addValues = function(values) { values.add(distance0) values.add(motionXZ) } this.onUpdate = function() { var player = getClosestEntity() if(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mc.thePlayer.posX - player.posX,2) + Math.pow(mc.thePlayer.posZ - player.posZ,2)) != 0) { var c1 = (mc.thePlayer.posX - player.posX)/(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mc.thePlayer.posX - player.posX,2) + Math.pow(mc.thePlayer.posZ - player.posZ,2))) var s1 = (mc.thePlayer.posZ - player.posZ)/(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mc.thePlayer.posX - player.posX,2) + Math.pow(mc.thePlayer.posZ - player.posZ,2))) if(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(mc.thePlayer.posX - player.posX,2) + Math.pow(mc.thePlayer.posZ - player.posZ,2)) <= distance0.get() && !AntiBot.isBot(player) && !player.isDead && !LiquidBounce.moduleManager.getModule(Teams.class).isInYourTeam(player)) { if(mc.gameSettings.keyBindLeft.pressed) { mc.thePlayer.motionX = -motionXZ.get()*s1 - 0.18*motionXZ.get()*c1 mc.thePlayer.motionZ = motionXZ.get()*c1 - 0.18*motionXZ.get()*s1 }else { mc.thePlayer.motionX = motionXZ.get()*s1 - 0.18*motionXZ.get()*c1 mc.thePlayer.motionZ = -motionXZ.get()*c1 - 0.18*motionXZ.get()*s1 } } } } } var TargetStrafe = new TargetStrafe() var TargetStrafeClient function onLoad() {} function onEnable() { TargetStrafeClient = moduleManager.registerModule(TargetStrafe) } function onDisable() { moduleManager.unregisterModule(TargetStrafeClient) }
I know Czechhek created one. I don't use it, but you can try downloading core and the script.
这是什么 Target Strafe?