Last matrix water highJump
Does not work on version 5.6.3
Works on version 6.0.0 and highervar script = registerScript({ name: "MatrixWaterHighJump", version: "0.0.0", authors: ["Shurpe"], }); script.registerModule({ name: "MatrixWaterHighJump", category: "Misc", description: "", settings: { jumpH: Setting.float({ name: "Jump height", default: 7, min: 4, max: 10 }) } }, function (module) { module.on("update", function () { if (mc.thePlayer.isInWater()) { if (mc.theWorld.getBlockState(new BlockPos(mc.thePlayer.posX, mc.thePlayer.posY + 1, mc.thePlayer.posZ)).getBlock() == Block.getBlockById(9)) { mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0.18 } else if (mc.theWorld.getBlockState(new BlockPos(mc.thePlayer.posX, mc.thePlayer.posY, mc.thePlayer.posZ)).getBlock() == Block.getBlockById(9)) { mc.thePlayer.motionY = module.settings.jumpH.get() mc.thePlayer.onGround = 1 } } }); }); var BlockPos = Java.type('net.minecraft.util.BlockPos'); var Block = Java.type('net.minecraft.block.Block');
@skidma matrix is rip now xd my speed and this stuff xd
@faaatpotato matrix died back in version 5.6.3