LiquidBounce Nextgen
Hello, just wanted to say that we're heavily working on the nextgen branch of LiquidBounce.
We already added many client features, but it might take a while until we're getting our design and modules done. We're focusing on making the client base as future proof as possible. We don't want to rush it, but I can say that we're getting closer to a useable state. There might be still a few issues that we'll have to figure out, but at least we are able to reach our main goals.
Our goals also has changed a bit. We planned to use Sciter as HTML engine, but we're now using Ultralight and it's a great "Next-Generation HTML Renderer", which fits perfectly in our client and to our base.
LiquidBounce is running on FabricMC on 1.16.5, but is able to join every server from 1.7.X up to 1.16.X using ViaFabric.
As a developer I can tell, that it was the best decision to work on a new base, to make adding new features as dynamic as possible and making it easier to add new modules or commands.
Even making bypasses is getting easier than it ever was.I'm probably going to post some status updates in the future.
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