var scriptName = "SpartanTeleport";
var scriptAuthor = "6Sence";
var scriptVersion = 1.0;
FreeCam = moduleManager.getModule("FreeCam");
var C04PacketPlayerPosition = Java.type('')
function SpartanTeleport() {
this.getName = function () {
return "SpartanTeleport";
this.getCategory = function () {
return "Misc";
this.getDescription = function () {
return "SpartanTeleport";
this.onUpdate = function () {
if (mc.thePlayer.onGround && mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed == true) {
TPPosX = mc.thePlayer.posX;
TPPosY = mc.thePlayer.posY;
TPPosZ = mc.thePlayer.posZ;
teleport = true;
if (teleport == true && mc.thePlayer.posX != TPPosX && mc.thePlayer.posZ != TPPosZ) {
mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0.01;
mc.gameSettings.keyBindForward.pressed = false;
mc.gameSettings.keyBindBack.pressed = false;
mc.gameSettings.keyBindLeft.pressed = false;
mc.gameSettings.keyBindRight.pressed = false;
mc.gameSettings.keyBindJump.pressed = false;
if (teleportTry < 20){
mc.timer.timerSpeed = 2;
mc.timer.timerSpeed = 0.5;
teleportTry += 1;
mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C04PacketPlayerPosition(mc.thePlayer.posX, mc.thePlayer.posY, mc.thePlayer.posZ, true));
mc.thePlayer.sendQueue.addToSendQueue(new C04PacketPlayerPosition(TPPosX, TPPosY, TPPosZ, true));
if (mc.thePlayer.posX == TPPosX && mc.thePlayer.posZ == TPPosZ) {
chat.print("ยง6Successfully teleported with ยงc" + teleportTry + " ยง6tries. Script made by 6Sence.");
commandManager.executeCommand(".t SpartanTeleport");
this.onEnable = function () {
this.value = FreeCam.getValue("NoClip").get();
teleport = false;
teleportTry = 0;
chat.print("ยง6Land to teleport, Make sure to turn off noclip in freecam to work properly.");
TPPosX = 2131;
TPPosY = 13;
TPPosZ = 4324;
this.onDisable = function () {
mc.timer.timerSpeed = 1;
var SpartanTeleport = new SpartanTeleport();
var derpClient;
function onEnable() {
derpClient = moduleManager.registerModule(SpartanTeleport);
function onDisable() {
var scriptName = "Test";
var scriptAuthor = "6Sence";
var scriptVersion = 1.0;
function Test() {
this.getName = function () {
return "Test";
this.getCategory = function () {
return "Misc";
this.getDescription = function () {
return "Test";
this.onUpdate = function () {
if (mc.thePlayer.motionY <= 0 && !mc.thePlayer.onGround){
if (!mc.thePlayer.onGround){
PMY = (PMY - 0.08) * 0.98;
CMY = (Math.round (mc.thePlayer.motionY * 10000) / 10000);
PMY = (Math.round (PMY * 10000) / 10000);
//OPMY is predicted motionY
if (!mc.thePlayer.onGround){
chat.print ("Predicted : " + OPMY + " || MotionY : " + mc.thePlayer.motionY);
this.onEnable = function () {
enable = false;
OPMY = mc.thePlayer.motionY;
PMY = mc.thePlayer.motionY;
CMY = mc.thePlayer.motionY;
this.onDisable = function () {
var Test = new Test();
var derpClient;
function onEnable() {
derpClient = moduleManager.registerModule(Test);
function onDisable() {