[SUPPORT] How to make a basic speed mode?
How do i make a basic speed mode?
Like, i want to make sure my code is correct, if its wrong, someone fix it so i can add it to my custom lb src v3 (Releasing soon, adding more speed modes.)
Here, the code for the speed:/* * LiquidBounce Hacked Client * A free open source mixin-based injection hacked client for Minecraft using Minecraft Forge. * https://github.com/CCBlueX/LiquidBounce/ */ package net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.movement.speeds.other; import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.event.MoveEvent; import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.features.module.modules.movement.speeds.SpeedMode; import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.MovementUtils; public class Legit extends SpeedMode { public Legit() { super("Legit"); } @Override public void onMotion() { if(mc.thePlayer.isInWater()) return; if(MovementUtils.isMoving()) { if(mc.thePlayer.onGround) mc.thePlayer.jump(); }else{ mc.thePlayer.motionX = 0D; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = 0D; } } @Override public void onUpdate() { } @Override public void onMove(MoveEvent event) { } }
Someone help me in this.
if(MovementUtils.isMoving()) { if(mc.thePlayer.onGround)
it kinda doesn't make sense, usually people do it this way:
if(mc.thePlayer.onGround) { if(MovementUtils.isMoving()) { // legit code here } else { mc.thePlayer.motionX = 0D; mc.thePlayer.motionZ = 0D; } }
@hahayes Yes, they are alot. + Many were private so...
@gabriel Is it hard to copy from other speed modules? There, I literally just found a speed module from a random guy: https://github.com/1337quip/LiquidBounce/blob/master/1.8.9-Forge/src/main/java/net/ccbluex/liquidbounce/features/module/modules/movement/speeds/aac/AACPort.java
Remove the aac code part and just add yours, simple, done.
@gabriel said in [SUPPORT] How to make a basic speed mode?:
@mems ok, fix it for me, i need to add more stuff rn im busy.
This clown makes me wanna e-slap him... Man, go learn how to code this basic shit like I did. You may be multi tasking IRL, but Minecraft coding will always be an exception. Nobody wants to be your slave my dude. You either learn how to code properly by learning from LiquidBounce's speed modules or whatever the shit you wanna accomplish, or you do the following from the comment above my comment.