Some optimization for Utils
//All start position is from the player's eyes @JvmStatic fun getCenterDistance(blockPos: BlockPos) = mc.thePlayer.getPositionEyes(mc.getRenderPartialTicks()).distanceTo(blockPos.vec) //from LB ChestAura.(simplified) @JvmStatic fun canBlockBeSeen(blockPos: BlockPos) = mc.theWorld.rayTraceBlocks(mc.thePlayer.getPositionEyes(mc.renderPartialTicks), blockPos.vec, false, false, false)?.blockPos == blockPos //getAllInBox -> Iterable<BlockPos> @JvmStatic fun searchBlocks(radius: Int): Map<BlockPos, Block> = BlockPos.getAllInBox(BlockPos(mc.thePlayer.getPositionEyes(mc.renderPartialTicks).addVector(-radius.toDouble(), -radius.toDouble(), -radius.toDouble())), BlockPos(mc.thePlayer.getPositionEyes(mc.renderPartialTicks).addVector(radius.toDouble(), radius.toDouble(), radius.toDouble()))).map { it to getBlock(it) }.toMap()
:/** * Get the center position of this BlockPos */ public Vec3 getVec() { final AxisAlignedBB axisAlignedBB = Minecraft.theWorld.getBlockState(this).getBoundingBox(Minecraft.theWorld, this); return new Vec3(getX() + 0.5 * (axisAlignedBB.maxX + axisAlignedBB.minX), getY() + 0.5 * (axisAlignedBB.maxY + axisAlignedBB.minY), getZ() + 0.5 * (axisAlignedBB.maxZ + axisAlignedBB.minZ)); }
PS: I have seen BlockPos.getVec() in LB's ChestAura, but it doesn't exist in ScriptAPI and MCP. (and I want to ask why u used getter in .kt class?
BlockESP should use searchBlocks too. -
@boblsmymanager getVec() is java
@painis-bot ikr