Gui move
About script
Allows you to walk not only with opened inventory
Allows rotation of the cameraBypass mode can bypass BAC, Intave (No click), Taka (No click)
var C16PacketClientStatus = Java.type(''), GuiChat = Java.type('net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiChat'), Keyboard = Java.type('org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard'); var keys = [ mc.gameSettings.keyBindRight, mc.gameSettings.keyBindLeft, mc.gameSettings.keyBindBack, mc.gameSettings.keyBindForward, mc.gameSettings.keyBindJump, mc.gameSettings.keyBindSprint ]; var script = registerScript({ name: 'Gui Move', version: '0.0.0', authors: ['Shurpe'] }); script.registerModule({ name: 'Gui Move', description: '', category: 'Fun', settings: { mode: Setting.list({ name: 'Mode', default: 'Normal', values: ['Normal', 'Bypass'] }) } }, function (module) { module.on('update', function () { module.tag = module.settings.mode.get(); if (!(mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiChat || mc.currentScreen == null)) { for (key in keys) { keyCode = keys[key].getKeyCode(); keys[key].pressed = Keyboard.isKeyDown(keyCode); } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_UP)) { if (mc.thePlayer.rotationPitch > -90) { mc.thePlayer.rotationPitch -= 5; } } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_DOWN)) { if (mc.thePlayer.rotationPitch < 90) { mc.thePlayer.rotationPitch += 5; } } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_LEFT)) { mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw -= 5; } if (Keyboard.isKeyDown(Keyboard.KEY_RIGHT)) { mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw += 5; } } }); module.on('packet', function(e) { var packet = e.getPacket(); if (module.settings.mode.get() == 'Bypass') { if (packet instanceof C16PacketClientStatus && packet.getStatus() == C16PacketClientStatus.EnumState.OPEN_INVENTORY_ACHIEVEMENT) { e.cancelEvent(); } } }); });
@skidma You are a genius
@skidma so u can move the camera when inside a gui?
@skidma does it remove the gui(silent)??
@plumer-man U use arrow keys to move. AAC flags for killaura