hive hide and seek infinite reach (only works on hiders)
do whatever the fuck you want in that gamemode, the hive is gonna close in like 1 week
test++; for(Entity e: { if(e instanceof EntityFallingBlock) { EntityFallingBlock block = (EntityFallingBlock) e; if(test % 10 == 0) { mc.getConnection().sendPacket(new CPacketPlayer.Position(mc.player.posX, mc.player.posY - 0.1, mc.player.posZ, mc.player.onGround)); mc.playerController.attackEntity(mc.player, block); mc.player.swingArm(EnumHand.MAIN_HAND); } } }
also im too lazy to port it into a liquidbounce script
video of it: -
@icewormy3 rip hivemc