No no no. I am not idiot. I know about the existence of a script for the same purposes, but now we will not talk about that. When you turn on the flight function on the Hawkeye mod, then when walking on water, no anti-cheat flags do not hang. The goal of the script is to do this as a function without affecting the flight module.
@cats-channel said in [Request] Matrix Jesus:
I am idiot
@leaked-pvp but not
@cats-channel Faat has one
go to his dc -
if (mc.thePlayer.isInWater() && !mc.gameSettings.keyBindJump.pressed && !mc.gameSettings.keyBindSneak.pressed) { mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0; if (mc.gameSettings.keyBindForward.pressed) { var dir = Math.rad(mc.thePlayer.rotationYaw); mc.thePlayer.motionX += -Math.sin(dir) * 0.07; mc.thePlayer.motionZ += Math.cos(dir) * 0.07; } }
@faaatpotato thanks