(request) pearl boost fly
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now i dont have what op has but if someone can also make a bow boost longjump it would be nice
Im looking for a script that shoots an arrow in the sky then lets you fly ( like the bow boost longjump that novoline has), can someone send me a script if there is one. -
skid momento (autobow)
you can change it to work with pearl// // Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA // (powered by FernFlower decompiler) // package vip.radium.module.impl.other; import io.github.nevalackin.homoBus.EventLink; import io.github.nevalackin.homoBus.Listener; import net.minecraft.item.ItemBow; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.network.play.client.C07PacketPlayerDigging; import net.minecraft.network.play.client.C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement; import net.minecraft.network.play.client.C09PacketHeldItemChange; import net.minecraft.network.play.client.C07PacketPlayerDigging.Action; import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos; import net.minecraft.util.EnumFacing; import vip.radium.RadiumClient; import vip.radium.event.impl.player.UpdatePositionEvent; import vip.radium.module.Module; import vip.radium.module.ModuleCategory; import vip.radium.module.ModuleInfo; import vip.radium.notification.Notification; import vip.radium.notification.NotificationType; import vip.radium.utils.MathUtils; import vip.radium.utils.MovementUtils; import vip.radium.utils.Wrapper; @ModuleInfo( label = "Auto Bow", category = ModuleCategory.OTHER ) public final class AutoBow extends Module { private static final C07PacketPlayerDigging PLAYER_DIGGING; private static final C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement BLOCK_PLACEMENT; private boolean isCharging; private int chargedTicks; private int bowSlot; @EventLink private final Listener<UpdatePositionEvent> onUpdatePosition = (event) -> { if (event.isPre()) { int bowSlot = this.findBowInHotBar(); if (bowSlot == -1) { RadiumClient.getInstance().getNotificationManager().add(new Notification("Auto Bow", "You must have a bow on your hotbar", NotificationType.ERROR)); this.toggle(); return; } if (!this.isCharging) { if (MathUtils.roundToDecimalPlace(MovementUtils.getBlockHeight(), 0.001D) == 0.166D) { boolean needSwitch = Wrapper.getPlayer().inventory.currentItem != bowSlot; if (needSwitch) { Wrapper.sendPacketDirect(new C09PacketHeldItemChange(bowSlot)); } this.bowSlot = bowSlot; Wrapper.sendPacketDirect(BLOCK_PLACEMENT); this.isCharging = true; this.chargedTicks = 0; } } else { ++this.chargedTicks; if (bowSlot != this.bowSlot) { this.toggle(); return; } switch(this.chargedTicks) { case 2: event.setPitch(0.0F); event.setYaw(MovementUtils.getMovementDirection()); break; case 3: int physicalHeldItem = Wrapper.getPlayer().inventory.currentItem; Wrapper.sendPacketDirect(PLAYER_DIGGING); if (this.bowSlot != physicalHeldItem) { Wrapper.sendPacketDirect(new C09PacketHeldItemChange(physicalHeldItem)); } this.isCharging = false; this.toggle(); } } } }; static { PLAYER_DIGGING = new C07PacketPlayerDigging(Action.RELEASE_USE_ITEM, BlockPos.ORIGIN, EnumFacing.DOWN); BLOCK_PLACEMENT = new C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement(new BlockPos(-1, -1, -1), 255, (ItemStack)null, 0.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F); } public AutoBow() { } public void onEnable() { this.isCharging = false; this.chargedTicks = 0; } private int findBowInHotBar() { for(int i = 36; i < 45; ++i) { ItemStack stack = Wrapper.getStackInSlot(i); if (stack != null && stack.getItem() instanceof ItemBow) { return i - 36; } } return -1; } }
@auto-reply-bot or you check for the damage you get when you throw a pearl and just simply activate fly automaticly
var Fly = moduleManager.getModule("Fly"); if (mc.thePlayer.hurtTime > 0) { Fly.setState(true); }
@faaatpotato yes
@faaatpotato done
@plumer-man lmaooo, then copy paste the code somehow
if DamageFly_Toggle == True: if damage_taken == True: fly_toggle = True DamageFly_Toggle == False
there in python
@plumer-man is it possible in javascript? also how the fuck did you make the if damage thingy in scratch?, im gonna try it for trolling purposes
1: find bow
2: send C09 then C08
3: set pitch to zero
4(3 ticks later): send C07(shoot) then C09(change back to holding item)
I'll try to make this at weekendcheckdamage:
if(mc.thePlayer.hurtTime>0 && !FlyState)
reset MSTimer
set Fly state to trueafter specific delay
set Fly state to false
@co丶dynamic thanks, i will wait if you even make it, since i can't code but if you can't it's ok i don't need it
@co丶dynamic it would work
@leejames2305 that seems like a lot of work ngl
@plumer-man nah i was looking for the script but i think mineplex patched the pearl boost fly, so i dont rly need it anymore but it would be nice to have for hypixel sence i might make a config for that too
@plumer-man gwen o-o? idk what ac base they use i head somewhere ncp but not sure