Astolfo hud for liquidbounce
Does anyone have an astolfo type hud?
@roblox-tutorials Use Arial font and Astolfo rainbow if you want better, also this is toriset's astolfo hud not mine
{ "Type": "Effects", "X": 2.0, "Y": 10.0, "Scale": 1.0, "HorizontalFacing": "Right", "VerticalFacing": "Down", "Font": { "fontName": "Minecraft Font", "fontSize": -1 }, "Shadow": true }, { "Type": "Armor", "X": -8.0, "Y": 57.0, "Scale": 1.0, "HorizontalFacing": "Middle", "VerticalFacing": "Down", "Alignment": "Horizontal" }, { "Type": "Armor", "X": -8.0, "Y": 57.0, "Scale": 1.0, "HorizontalFacing": "Middle", "VerticalFacing": "Down", "Alignment": "Horizontal" }, { "Type": "Scoreboard", "X": -102.11114501953125, "Y": -94.66668701171875, "Scale": 0.9, "HorizontalFacing": "Right", "VerticalFacing": "Middle", "Text-R": 255, "Text-G": 255, "Text-B": 255, "Background-R": 0, "Background-G": 0, "Background-B": 0, "Background-Alpha": 95, "Rect": false, "Rect-Color": "Custom", "Rect-R": 0, "Rect-G": 111, "Rect-B": 255, "Rect-Alpha": 255, "Shadow": false, "Font": { "fontName": "Minecraft Font", "fontSize": -1 } }, { "Type": "Text", "X": 10.0, "Y": 10.0, "Scale": 1.0, "HorizontalFacing": "Left", "VerticalFacing": "Up", "DisplayText": "A", "Red": 255, "Green": 255, "Blue": 255, "Rainbow": true, "Rainbow-X": -1000.0, "Rainbow-Y": -1000.0, "Shadow": true, "Font": { "fontName": "Roboto Medium", "fontSize": 40 } }, { "Type": "Text", "X": 17.0, "Y": 10.0, "Scale": 1.0, "HorizontalFacing": "Left", "VerticalFacing": "Up", "DisplayText": "stolfo", "Red": 255, "Green": 255, "Blue": 255, "Rainbow": false, "Rainbow-X": -1000.0, "Rainbow-Y": -1000.0, "Shadow": true, "Font": { "fontName": "Roboto Medium", "fontSize": 40 } }, { "Type": "Arraylist", "X": 1.0, "Y": 4.0, "Scale": 1.0, "HorizontalFacing": "Right", "VerticalFacing": "Up", "Rainbow-X": 1000.0, "Rainbow-Y": -43.47827, "Text-Color": "Custom", "Text-R": 255, "Text-G": 255, "Text-B": 255, "Rect-Color": "Custom", "Rect-R": 88, "Rect-G": 255, "Rect-B": 255, "Rect-Alpha": 255, "Random-Saturation": 0.9, "Random-Brightness": 1.0, "Tags": false, "ShadowText": true, "Background-Color": "Custom", "Background-R": 0, "Background-G": 0, "Background-B": 0, "Background-Alpha": 0, "Rect": "None", "UpperCase": false, "Space": 0.0, "TextHeight": 11.0, "TextY": 1.0, "TagsArrayColor": false, "Font": { "fontName": "Roboto Medium", "fontSize": 40 } } ]