【Syuu】Config ! Real Super Killaura ! Second Generation 【Come Back】
I'm back !
Please note that this post is updated at 15:13:27, June 6, 2021
Since【 free! SYUU - Can be TP powerful configuration! 】
Three months after this post was posted, I tried to play syuu
with it and found that the config was worse
After my experiment, a new method has been put into use! This
new method can bypass the parallel line anti cheating system
(which is not commercially available) and modify killaura's turn to
make it more "legal"
In this version, I have removed useless functions such as "skywars suite" and optimized other functions. Now you can use this configuration to play bow wars
I deleted the useless folder in the configuration folder. As for that pile of files... You don't have to worry about XD
Configure the matched liquidbounce:
Update (Time:June 6, 2021 15:15:53):fix the banned by speed
Config for last update(Time:June 6, 2021 15:15:53) :https://wws.lanzoui.com/i9C1dpv4n0d
Please note that the use of new ideas will not be able to correctly lock the target in multi person attack, so it is best to avoid multi person combat
You can use the. Binds command to see all the bind
***The configuration has been tested. If you find any problems or
want to put forward your suggestions, you can reply to this post
and let me know***
@wowiesocl this config for what???????????
@thehacker_99 syuu ...
wow a poster for a config release, this reminds me of someone who decided to make a gay poster for a script release
@chocopiexd Great. Next time I'll be a lesbian
@chocopiexd that clickgui skin script by aftery?
@the_shadow_emp said in 【Syuu】Config ! Real Super Killaura ! Second Generation 【Come Back】:
@chocopiexd that clickgui skin script by aftery?
well not really, a chinese made a thing with a gay banner so aftery decided to
be gaymake a similar gay banner -
@chocopiexd shut up