Hypixel hacking on main
So I’ve been hacking on hypixel on main for a week.
My hacks are very subtle so im not scared of watchdog or NCP but due to velocity players sometimes called me out.I am just scared that if an admin gets the report and checks my player log, will he be able to see my “SuperKnockback”?
Also tell me a good velocity setting that won’t make me fall of the blocks using snowballs but moves me a little bit. I use 50-50 on both bars but its don’t take any kb at all when rodded or snowballed.
Also my aimbot is quite blatant but no one has called me out yet. So should I low the turnspeed or I’m good??
you literally should never ghost cheat on your main, especially with liquidbounce. get a ghost client like vape or smth. also velocity then set vertical to at least 80 and horizontal around 70 or higher
@make-joke-of super knockbaxk won't be detected by staff but if wd adds a check it will detect it. also set vertical velocity to 100% and horizontal to 60, anything under 100% vertical is easy to detect by a human and an anticheat.Ans dw about aimbot
Don’t have money for it.
Also vertical is the one to do with upwards right??
How much would it effect my gameplay?? -
@make-joke-of I think it would effect ur gameplay but it's the best way to be hard to detect
We will be informed when hypixel messes with their anti cheat right?? -
@make-joke-of they mess with it every day
Ok now I am scared. It isn’t anti-kb or aimbot that helps me win the fights. It’s superknockback. Will watchdog ban it instantly?? -
@make-joke-of Some of them
no, but i dont recommend it
watchdog cannot detect this after ncp update
Which will be when. Don’t make me live in suspense. You have no idea how scared I am. -
@make-joke-of about
@make-joke-of maybe one day
@make-joke-of you will probably be safe if you don't use superknockback and old horizontal velocity
@make-joke-of only*, also like I predicted they just added vertical velocity checks so stop using that if u are
Ok now I am scared
You better be.
@make-joke-of have u gotten banned yet ? if so what got u banned im curious