fAkE dIsAbLeR eXpOsEd !11!!
srsly, there are retarded ppl who doesn't use a hacked client or uses a terrible one, for example, there is kiddo named Veggie (check his Github, ss tool in batch LMAO) who thought my disabler was fake, he thinks that it wont work, he doesn't even probably know what client it supports (its for LB), his discord: Veggie#0002, also he wants my pvp land disabler... what a loser cant even make his own, also he didn't code in any language other than batch, and tries to make fun of me, what a retard he's a admin at a fake server.
who cares
who asked -
@sigma-bot idk, just wanted to make people laugh at this clown
@spyfromtf2 I'm laughing at you, you're saying the lb scriptapi doesn't have booleans?
any language that has integers or any other variable type that can represent more than 1 state has booleans, don't be ridiculous