Broken silent chest stealer
This post is probably useless but probably someone wants to finish this.
Known bugs:- ChestStealer can't close the chest
- Normal key inputs don't register
i didn't test this on a server but probably generates ghost items
/// api_version=2 var script = registerScript({ name: "SilentChestStealer", version: "2.0", authors: ["OrangeCat"] }); var prf = ", "+script.scriptName + " v"+script.scriptVersion+ " by"; Java.type("java.util.Arrays").asList(script.scriptAuthors).forEach(function(e){ prf += (e != script.scriptAuthors[0] ? ", " : " ") + e; }); script.registerModule({ name: script.scriptName, description: "steals youre item XDDDD" + prf, category: "Movement", tag: "sigma" }, function (module) { var GuiChest = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiChest"); var ContainerChest = Java.type("net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerChest"); var IInventory = Java.type("net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory"); var KeyEvent = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.event.KeyEvent"); var LiquidBounce = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.LiquidBounce"); var keybinds = Java.type("java.util.Arrays").asList(mc.gameSettings.keyBindings); var KeyBinding = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.settings.KeyBinding"); var sex = false; module.on("render2D", function(e){ var cr = mc.currentScreen; if(cr != null && cr instanceof GuiChest){ // i fucking hate js var i = cr.lowerChestInventory; if(i instanceof IInventory){ // tf is this var rp = new (Java.extend(GuiChest))(getFieldContent(mc.thePlayer, "inventory"), i){ drawScreen: function(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks){ mc.fontRendererObj.drawString("Open: "+sex, 50, 50, 0xffffffff); if(!mc.inGameHasFocus){ mc.inGameHasFocus = true; mc.mouseHelper.grabMouseCursor(); } }, keyTyped: function(typedChar, keyCode){ if(keyCode == 1){ mc.thePlayer.closeScreen(); }else{ KeyBinding.onTick(keyCode); LiquidBounce.eventManager.callEvent(new KeyEvent(keyCode)); } } }; if(!sex){ mc.displayGuiScreen(rp); sex = true; } } }else{ sex = false; } }); function getFieldContent(i, field){ var f = i.getClass().getSuperclass().getSuperclass().getDeclaredField(field); f.setAccessible(true); return f.get(i); } });
@skiddermaster412 said in Broken silent chest stealer:
if(!sex){ mc.displayGuiScreen(rp); sex = true;
I'm not even saying
@skiddermaster412 The idea of having a silent ChestStealer module really intrigued me and hence I tried coding it on LiquidBounce Nextgen. One thing would not work tho which was the moving/rotating part and it would not be fixed almost at all.
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@aftery said in Broken silent chest stealer:
/// api_version=2 var script = registerScript({ name: "right into the base", version: "irgin", authors: ["kachum lol", "aery"] }); var LiquidBounce = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.LiquidBounce"); var GuiChest = Java.type("net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiChest"); script.registerModule({ name: "rightintothebase", description: "", category: "Fun" }, function (module) { var gc = moduleManager.getModule("ChestStealer"); var prev = null; module.on("render2D", function (e) { if (mc.currentScreen != null && mc.currentScreen instanceof GuiChest && prev != mc.currentScreen && gc.getState()) { prev = new (Java.extend(GuiChest))(mc.currentScreen.lowerChestInventory, mc.currentScreen.lowerChestInventory) { func_73863_a: function(mouseX, mouseY, partialTicks) { mc.fontRendererObj.drawString(massivest anti pasta right here folks, 120, 50, 0xffa0ffff); if (!mc.inGameHasFocus) { mc.inGameHasFocus = something i guess; mc.mouseHelper.grabPussyAndMouseCursor(); } }, func_146269_k: function() { Chatprint("i am a threat to society"); } }; previous.inventorySlots = mc.currentScreen.inventorySlots; prev.allowUserInput = "true"; mc.currentScreen = null; mc.displayGuiScreen(previous); } }); });
i fixed the 2 known bugs!
and additionally fixed:- it not working on normal b72
- stupid reflection
- general autism
theres a few more which id like to mention, in which the fix has been left out as an exercise for the reader:
- ctrl q
- liquidbounce key and mouse events (not normal key inputs isnt it ^.^)
no more
approved -
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@Aftеry balls