Radius-Antibot-Script for Jartex/Matrix/Other
This antibot isn't the ideal one because it will remove any player that isn't moving when ur not moving as well....
Edit: I though it checked for constant distance but it checks for radius so it will remove any player that is closer than radius value and wasn't blacklisted by being further
What radius for Matrix?
Made an errorless AntiBot for Jartex.
module = { name: "JartexAntiBot", author: "CzechHek", category: "Combat", version: 1.1, onPacket: function (e) { e.getPacket() instanceof S38PacketPlayerListItem && mc.thePlayer.capabilities.allowEdit && e.getPacket().getAction() == "ADD_PLAYER" && (info = e.getPacket().getEntries().get(0)).getGameMode() == "SURVIVAL" && info.getDisplayName() && (e.cancelEvent(), chat.print("§2Removed bot§a: " + info.getDisplayName().getUnformattedText())); } } script.import("Core.lib");