a scaffold force rotation?
i found out that in vulcan if you use scaffold expand 3.5+ that anticheat doesnt flag and you can even sprint and use speed (if you have a bypassing one)
but the problem with liquidbounces expand is it locks at the end of the bridge
for this to bypass you need to look where you normally look but accualy place blocks in expand
liquidounce doesnt have this and i tried custom rot and it worked (looked at the right direction) but expand didnt work with it
is there any way to fix that? and if liquid doesnt have that option is there a script for it? -
@xsilverth NoRotate scaffold???
@sigmeme @Plumer-Man
it doesnt work like that i tried it (but if it worked what was the point? i want to use extend to be ale to use sprint scaffold normal scaffold with no sprint works)
but the problem is if you look at blocks it doesnt extent anymore
extend scaffold in liquidbounce is coded the way that it will place extend blocks where you are looking
so there is no way to do it with settings its only possible with script or custom build -
@xsilverth scriptapi or source
@fart-cheese why not, nich ga
@fart-cheese yes
@fart-cheese 8=============D
@fart-cheese I love u