client side block
This post is deleted!
@plumer-man bruh
@plumer-man ik theres a script called matrix fly or something that puts a barrier block under u
@ivanovladimirs Found owner and got him to send client sided block code
if (mc.thePlayer.fallDistance >= 0) { mc.theWorld.setBlockState(new BlockPos(mc.thePlayer.posX, mc.thePlayer.posY-1, mc.thePlayer.posZ), Blocks.barrier.getDefaultState()); blocks.push(new BlockPos(mc.thePlayer.posX,mc.thePlayer.posY-1,mc.thePlayer.posZ));
@plumer-man ok ill try this rn to see if it'll work
@plumer-man can i also have the variables
rn i just have Blocks and BlockPos
@ivanovladimirs If you have discord i can send src i got the source
@plumer-man what's ur disc
var _0x39b91d = _0x57f5; function _0x4e13() { var _0x267ed3 = ["enable", "828696wcWpNK", "push", "update", "shift", "registerModule", "barrier", "posX", "848632yBavaz", "24031WajyYk", "keyBindJump", "keyBindSneak", "pressed", "2606262AwAZgu", "posZ", "242LHmxjg", "505884lYJXhx", "isAirBlock", "440390pWXnxj", "thePlayer", "306DJciAn", "length", "inWater", "1788111bsvzSc", "0.1", "698PMKVmu", "171423pSNTtg", "theWorld", "482880AHYTry", "634DfsZNa", "88RzXRZZ", "net.minecraft.util.BlockPos", "1370ZNPrZk", "1laCZJa", "gameSettings", "type", "Movement", "net.minecraft.init.Blocks", "5pAuIxu", "Places client sided blocks under you.", "20twIqPD", "disable", "5912HWTkui", "3941XlmzQf", "posY"]; _0x4e13 = function () { return _0x267ed3; }; return _0x4e13(); } (function (_0x432038, _0x18fcdd) { var _0x128aec = _0x57f5, _0xbee39e = _0x432038(); while (!![]) { try { var _0x16d555 = -parseInt(_0x128aec(304)) / 1 * (parseInt(_0x128aec(308)) / 2) + -parseInt(_0x128aec(325)) / 3 + parseInt(_0x128aec(332)) / 4 + parseInt(_0x128aec(317)) / 5 * (parseInt(_0x128aec(292)) / 6) + -parseInt(_0x128aec(322)) / 7 * (parseInt(_0x128aec(321)) / 8) + parseInt(_0x128aec(302)) / 9 * (-parseInt(_0x128aec(319)) / 10) + parseInt(_0x128aec(294)) / 11 * (parseInt(_0x128aec(295)) / 12); if (_0x16d555 === _0x18fcdd) break; else _0xbee39e.push(_0xbee39e.shift()); } catch (_0x3e83b5) { _0xbee39e.push(_0xbee39e.shift()); } } }(_0x4e13, 263076)); function _0x4783() { var _0x3fc428 = _0x57f5, _0x1382ee = [_0x3fc428(324), _0x3fc428(331), "64493nEsrij", _0x3fc428(288), _0x3fc428(297), "868335HJzShn", _0x3fc428(309), "onGround", _0x3fc428(301), "Hunter171", _0x3fc428(318), _0x3fc428(300), _0x3fc428(307), _0x3fc428(326), _0x3fc428(320), _0x3fc428(290), _0x3fc428(330), _0x3fc428(312), _0x3fc428(327), "net.minecraft.block.Block", _0x3fc428(291), _0x3fc428(316), "setBlockState", _0x3fc428(298), "destroyBlock", "CollideFly", _0x3fc428(313), _0x3fc428(311), _0x3fc428(289), _0x3fc428(299), "fallDistance", _0x3fc428(305), _0x3fc428(293), _0x3fc428(296), _0x3fc428(314), "theWorld", "posY", "837086cGCcCo"]; return _0x4783 = function () { return _0x1382ee; }, _0x4783(); } function _0x57f5(_0x1572b9, _0x1ebc64) { var _0x4e13ad = _0x4e13(); return _0x57f5 = function (_0x57f563, _0x3faff1) { _0x57f563 = _0x57f563 - 288; var _0x2a6b67 = _0x4e13ad[_0x57f563]; return _0x2a6b67; }, _0x57f5(_0x1572b9, _0x1ebc64); } function _0x1a4a(_0x36a516, _0x28ddaa) { var _0xe2371c = _0x4783(); return _0x1a4a = function (_0x8fdf9f, _0x4a0bd7) { _0x8fdf9f = _0x8fdf9f - 389; var _0x649d67 = _0xe2371c[_0x8fdf9f]; return _0x649d67; }, _0x1a4a(_0x36a516, _0x28ddaa); } var _0x3d5a4d = _0x1a4a; (function (_0x3645c5, _0x486cca) { var _0x191377 = _0x57f5, _0x4e75b6 = _0x1a4a, _0x465a85 = _0x3645c5(); while (!![]) { try { var _0x5efea7 = -parseInt(_0x4e75b6(389)) / 1 * (-parseInt(_0x4e75b6(409)) / 2) + parseInt(_0x4e75b6(415)) / 3 + parseInt(_0x4e75b6(422)) / 4 + -parseInt(_0x4e75b6(414)) / 5 + -parseInt(_0x4e75b6(401)) / 6 * (-parseInt(_0x4e75b6(413)) / 7) + -parseInt(_0x4e75b6(416)) / 8 * (-parseInt(_0x4e75b6(403)) / 9) + -parseInt(_0x4e75b6(399)) / 10 * (parseInt(_0x4e75b6(412)) / 11); if (_0x5efea7 === _0x486cca) break; else _0x465a85[_0x191377(326)](_0x465a85.shift()); } catch (_0xfaaa44) { _0x465a85.push(_0x465a85[_0x191377(328)]()); } } }(_0x4783, 321999)); var script = registerScript({ name: "Collide Fly", version: _0x39b91d(303), authors: [_0x3d5a4d(419)] }), BlockPos = Java[_0x3d5a4d(406)](_0x39b91d(310)), Block = Java[_0x3d5a4d(406)](_0x3d5a4d(391)), Blocks = Java[_0x3d5a4d(406)](_0x3d5a4d(393)), blocks = [], jump = 0; script[_0x39b91d(329)]({ name: _0x3d5a4d(397), description: _0x3d5a4d(420), category: _0x39b91d(315), settings: {} }, function (_0x983944) { var _0xfec9af = _0x3d5a4d; _0x983944.on(_0xfec9af(390), function () { var _0x33fd0d = _0x57f5, _0xc70a82 = _0xfec9af; (mc[_0xc70a82(407)][_0xc70a82(405)](new BlockPos(mc.thePlayer[_0x33fd0d(331)], mc[_0xc70a82(395)][_0xc70a82(408)] - 1, mc[_0xc70a82(395)][_0xc70a82(404)])) || mc[_0xc70a82(395)][_0xc70a82(418)]) && (mc[_0x33fd0d(298)][_0xc70a82(402)] >= 0 && (mc[_0x33fd0d(306)][_0xc70a82(394)](new BlockPos(mc[_0xc70a82(395)][_0x33fd0d(331)], mc[_0xc70a82(395)][_0xc70a82(408)] - 1, mc[_0xc70a82(395)][_0x33fd0d(293)]), Blocks[_0xc70a82(426)].getDefaultState()), blocks[_0xc70a82(423)](new BlockPos(mc.thePlayer[_0xc70a82(411)], mc[_0x33fd0d(298)][_0x33fd0d(323)] - 1, mc.thePlayer[_0xc70a82(404)])))), mc[_0xc70a82(398)][_0xc70a82(425)][_0x33fd0d(291)] && (mc[_0xc70a82(395)][_0xc70a82(402)] = 0), mc[_0xc70a82(395)][_0xc70a82(417)] && !mc[_0xc70a82(398)][_0xc70a82(400)][_0xc70a82(392)] && (mc[_0xc70a82(395)][_0xc70a82(402)] = 0); }), _0x983944.on(_0xfec9af(410), function () { jump = 0, blocks = []; }), _0x983944.on(_0xfec9af(424), function () { var _0x295400 = _0xfec9af; for (i = 0; i < blocks[_0x295400(421)]; i++) { mc[_0x295400(407)][_0x295400(396)](blocks[i], ![]); } }); });