Funcraft Destroyer
Bruh Moment – 00:49
— Hunter171 -
@sigmer yes i can send more clips
@fart-cheese Hikabrain? Why would someone pick such a weird name?
@fart-cheese said in Funcraft Destroyer:
What? -
Works really well. Quick demo.var script = registerScript({ name: 'Flight', version: '1.0', authors: [''] }); var MoveUtils = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.MovementUtils"); var moveSpeed = 0; script.registerModule({ name: 'Flight', category: 'Fun', description: 'Insert something helpful here please', tag: 'Funcraft' }, function (module) { module.on('enable', function() { moveSpeed = 1.7; if (mc.thePlayer.onGround) mc.thePlayer.jump(); }); module.on('motion', function(e) { mc.thePlayer.motionY = 0; mc.thePlayer.jumpMovementFactor = 0; mc.thePlayer.setPosition(mc.thePlayer.posX, mc.thePlayer.posY - 0.000008, mc.thePlayer.posZ); if (!MoveUtils.isMoving() || mc.thePlayer.isCollidedHorizontally) moveSpeed = 0.25; if (moveSpeed > 0.25) moveSpeed -= moveSpeed / 159; MoveUtils.strafe(moveSpeed); }); module.on('disable', function() { if (moveSpeed > 0.25) MoveUtils.strafe(0.0); }); });
@notautismatall wtf actually fly
@plumer-man how do I get the mosmt basic js knowledge
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@notautismatall client samples
@notautismatall what client is that
@fartcheese it's a shit client, loading takes 10m and crashes randomly
kinda sounds like lumasense ( shitty ratted client with shit performance )