How do I change the distance between border and modules?

@hacked-clients-minecraft What do you mean?
@hacked-clients-minecraft do u can send me your src?
@plumer-man where to i need paste this code code
ColorUtils.ktprivate val startTime=System.currentTimeMillis() fun hslRainbow(index: Int,lowest: Float=0.41f,bigest: Float=0.58f,indexOffset: Int=300,timeSplit: Int=3000):Color{ return Color.getHSBColor((abs(((((System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime).toInt()+index*indexOffset)/timeSplit.toFloat())%2)-1)*(bigest-lowest))+lowest,0.7f,1f) }
"riserainbow" -> ColorUtils.hslRainbow(index+1,indexOffset=100*rainbowSpeed.get()).rgb
i know where but in code where
@hacked-clients-minecraft can u say how to make this color no how to make it but how to import it
@hacked-clients-minecraft do u can send me your src?
@hacked-clients-minecraft BlocksMC no slow down... Renamed vanilla noslowdown lol
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