I need packet fly script can someone send me it please
I need packet fly script can someone send me it please
Begging -
@vincn what server?
@khiêm-nguyễn-gia Mineland
just use a longjump bro it's not that bad... u can use a 5.2 NCP mode w no dmg and 6.95 w bow dmg. the bow dmg one is about 15blocks long and it's pretty much enough to get anywhere on their maps
@plumer-man yea i saw people fly on mineland while playing on it but like longjump looks cooler ,:>
there you go your 4 blocks upwards fly
var C04PacketPlayerPosition = Java.type("net.minecraft.network.play.client.C03PacketPlayer.C04PacketPlayerPosition"); mc.netHandler.addToSendQueue(new C04PacketPlayerPosition(mc.thePlayer.posX, mc.thePlayer.posY + 4, mc.thePlayer.posZ, mc.thePlayer.onGround)); mc.netHandler.addToSendQueue(new C04PacketPlayerPosition(mc.thePlayer.posX, mc.thePlayer.posY, mc.thePlayer.posZ, mc.thePlayer.onGround));
@notautismatall S08 > C06
@notautismatall does that bypass minecraft 1.8.9 vanilla anticheat?
@banana1221 bypass all anticheats men))
@plumer-man C69PacketFunny > all
@banana1221 ur disabled idk what to tell you. 7.95 ncpboost + kb taken + 0.4 timer = $$$ or just 5.2 + 0.4 timer
@notautismatall tankz bRo