@plumer-man Okey... Thanks!
@aaronibz Yes they are, but in terms of velocity affection. However, a server with an anticheat (if it has one) might not really like the WAY SuperKnockback affects someone else's velocity. W-Tap is probably safer than SuperKnockback, in that case.
@ali00035_ Ok, you convinced me xD. Because on servers with verus and npc, SuperKb works, but not at all,so I better start using W-Tap... Do you have the script? (If it's not a bother...
You also need Core.lib for the script to run
https://github.com/CzechHek/Core/blob/master/Core.lib -
@ali00035_ said in W-Tap:
You also need Core.lib for the script to run
https://github.com/CzechHek/Core/blob/master/Core.libThere's also an alternative to this one, which is said to be better.
@czechhek Thanks!
But now I have a doubt and a problem...
The question is, how does corelib work? I mean, do I have to put a special command in the game to activate it or does it activate directly?And the problem is that when I put the BetterSuperKB script in the "scripts" folder, then it doesn't appear in the game... Not even in the list of scripts (scriptmanager).
@halal-club bro i know xD, but it doesnt appear nothing in the game...
@halal-club sorry for my lack of culture xD. But what do you mean by records?
@halal-club B73