AutoBlockJump from 1.16.5 as a script
// Base by Soulplexis var scriptName = "AutoBlockJump from 1.16.5"; var scriptVersion = 1.0; var scriptAuthor = "Ali00035, katchum lol"; var exampleModule = new ExampleModule(); var exampleModuleClient; var MovementUtils = Java.type("net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.MovementUtils"); function ExampleModule() { this.getName = function() { return "AutoBlockJump"; }; this.getDescription = function() { return "autism"; }; this.getCategory = function() { return "Movement"; }; this.onUpdate = function() { if (mc.thePlayer.onGround && mc.thePlayer.isCollidedHorizonatally && MovementUtils.isMoving()) { mc.thePlayer.jump(); } } this.onDisable = function() { } } function onLoad() { }; function onEnable() { exampleModuleClient = moduleManager.registerModule(exampleModule); }; function onDisable() { moduleManager.unregisterModule(exampleModuleClient); };
or this is basically just step mode jump remade on scriptapi v1 loll
@asdadali00035 AutoBlockJump on 1.16.5 uses predict so you jump before hitting the block
@plumer-man eh, this one jumps after hitting
@asdadali00035 You can pretty easily predict using motion to predict player position
@plumer-man like?
mc.thePlayer.posX + (mc.thePlayer.motionX * PredictMultiplier )
You can use blockspos to see if its a air block