A Notification Theme like IntelliJ IDEA.
this is a notification like idea.i will give you icons and codes.
import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.LiquidBounce import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.timer.MSTimer import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.LiquidBounce.hud import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.value.BoolValue import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.value.FloatValue import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.value.ListValue import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.value.IntegerValue import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.designer.GuiHudDesigner import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.Border import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.Element import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.ElementInfo import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.client.hud.element.Side import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.AnimationUtils import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.BlurUtils import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.Stencil import net.minecraft.client.gui.Gui import net.minecraft.client.renderer.GlStateManager import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.ui.font.Fonts import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.ClientUtils import net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.render.RenderUtils import net.minecraft.util.ResourceLocation import java.awt.Color import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11 @ElementInfo(name = "Notifications", single = true) class Notifications(x: Double = 0.0, y: Double = 30.0, scale: Float = 1F, side: Side = Side(Side.Horizontal.RIGHT, Side.Vertical.DOWN)) : Element(x, y, scale, side) { private val smoothYTransition = BoolValue("Smooth-YTransition", true) private val blurValue = BoolValue("Blur", false) private val blurStrength = FloatValue("Blur-Strength", 0F, 0F, 30F) private val styleValue = ListValue("Style", arrayOf("Compact", "New", "IntelliJ IDEA LOL"), "Compact") private val newAnimValue = BoolValue("UseNewAnim", true) private val animationSpeed = FloatValue("Anim-Speed", 0.5F, 0.01F, 1F, { newAnimValue.get() }) private val bgRedValue = IntegerValue("Background-Red", 0, 0, 255) private val bgGreenValue = IntegerValue("Background-Red", 0, 0, 255) private val bgBlueValue = IntegerValue("Background-Red", 0, 0, 255) private val bgAlphaValue = IntegerValue("Background-Alpha", 190, 0, 255) /** * Example notification for CustomHUD designer */ private val exampleNotification = Notification("Example Notification", Notification.Type.INFO) /** * Draw element */ override fun drawElement(): Border? { val bgColor = Color(bgRedValue.get(), bgGreenValue.get(), bgBlueValue.get(), bgAlphaValue.get()) var animationY = 30F val notifications = mutableListOf() for (i in hud.notifications) notifications.add(i) if (mc.currentScreen !is GuiHudDesigner || !notifications.isEmpty()) for(i in notifications) i.drawNotification( animationY, smoothYTransition.get(), newAnimValue.get(), animationSpeed.get(), bgColor, side, styleValue.get(), blurValue.get(), blurStrength.get(), renderX.toFloat(), renderY.toFloat()) .also { animationY += when (styleValue.get().toLowerCase()) { "compact" -> 20 "full" -> 30 else -> 30 } * if (side.vertical == Side.Vertical.DOWN) 1F else -1F} else exampleNotification.drawNotification( animationY, smoothYTransition.get(), newAnimValue.get(), animationSpeed.get(), bgColor, side, styleValue.get(), blurValue.get(), blurStrength.get(), renderX.toFloat(), renderY.toFloat()) if (mc.currentScreen is GuiHudDesigner) { exampleNotification.fadeState = Notification.FadeState.STAY //exampleNotification.stayTimer.reset() exampleNotification.x = exampleNotification.textLength + 8F if (exampleNotification.stayTimer.hasTimePassed(exampleNotification.displayTime)) exampleNotification.stayTimer.reset() return if (styleValue.get().equals("compact", true)) Border(-102F, -48F, 0F, -30F) else Border(-130F, -58F, 0F, -30F) } return null } } class Notification(message : String, type : Type, displayLength: Long) { private val notifyDir = "liquidbounce+/notif/" private val imgSuccess = ResourceLocation("${notifyDir}checkmark.png") private val imgError = ResourceLocation("${notifyDir}error.png") private val imgWarning = ResourceLocation("${notifyDir}warning.png") private val imgInfo = ResourceLocation("${notifyDir}info.png") var x = 0f var textLength = 0 private var stay = 0f private var fadeStep = 0f var fadeState = FadeState.IN var displayTime : Long = 0L var stayTimer = MSTimer() private var firstY = 0f private var message: String = "" private var type: Type init { this.message = message this.type = type this.displayTime = displayLength this.firstY = 19190F this.stayTimer.reset() this.textLength = Fonts.minecraftFont.getStringWidth(message) } constructor(message: String, type: Type) : this(message, type, 2000L) constructor(message: String) : this(message, Type.INFO, 500L) constructor(message: String, displayLength: Long) : this(message, Type.INFO, displayLength) enum class Type { SUCCESS, INFO, WARNING, ERROR } enum class FadeState { IN,STAY,OUT,END } fun drawNotification(animationY: Float, smooth: Boolean, newAnim: Boolean, animSpeed: Float, backgroundColor: Color, side: Side, style: String, blur: Boolean, strength: Float, originalX: Float, originalY: Float) { val delta = RenderUtils.deltaTime val width = textLength.toFloat() + 8.0f if (smooth) { if (firstY == 19190.0F) { firstY = animationY } firstY += (animationY - firstY) * 0.25F } else { firstY = animationY } var y = firstY when (style.toLowerCase()) { "compact" -> { GlStateManager.resetColor() if (blur) { GL11.glTranslatef(-originalX, -originalY, 0F) GL11.glPushMatrix() BlurUtils.blurAreaRounded(originalX + -x - 5F, originalY + -18F - y, originalX + -x + 8F + textLength, originalY + -y, 3F, strength) GL11.glPopMatrix() GL11.glTranslatef(originalX, originalY, 0F) } RenderUtils.customRounded(-x + 8F + textLength, -y, -x - 2F, -18F - y, 0F, 3F, 3F, 0F, backgroundColor.rgb) RenderUtils.customRounded(-x - 2F, -y, -x - 5F, -18F - y, 3F, 0F, 0F, 3F, when(type) { Type.SUCCESS -> Color(80, 255, 80).rgb Type.ERROR -> Color(255, 80, 80).rgb Type.INFO -> Color(255, 255, 255).rgb Type.WARNING -> Color(255, 255, 0).rgb }) GlStateManager.resetColor() Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(message, -x + 3, -13F - y, -1) } "new" -> { val dist = (x + 1 + 26F) - (x - 8 - textLength) val kek = -x - 1 - 20F val toolong = dist * if (stayTimer.hasTimePassed(displayTime)) 0F else ((displayTime - (System.currentTimeMillis() - stayTimer.time)).toFloat() / displayTime.toFloat()) GlStateManager.resetColor() if (blur) { GL11.glTranslatef(-originalX, -originalY, 0F) GL11.glPushMatrix() BlurUtils.blurAreaRounded(originalX + kek, originalY + -28F - y, originalX + -x + 8 + textLength, originalY + -y, 3F, strength) GL11.glPopMatrix() GL11.glTranslatef(originalX, originalY, 0F) } Stencil.write(true) RenderUtils.drawRoundedRect(-x + 8 + textLength, -y, kek, -28F - y, 0F, backgroundColor.rgb) Stencil.erase(true) GlStateManager.resetColor() if (fadeState == FadeState.STAY && !stayTimer.hasTimePassed(displayTime)) RenderUtils.newDrawRect(kek, -y, kek + toolong, -1.5F - y, when(type) { Type.SUCCESS -> Color(80, 255, 80, 255).rgb Type.ERROR -> Color(255, 80, 80, 255).rgb Type.INFO -> Color(127,174,210).rgb Type.WARNING -> Color(255, 255, 0).rgb }) else if (fadeState == FadeState.IN) RenderUtils.newDrawRect(kek, -y, kek + dist, -1.5F - y, when(type) { Type.SUCCESS -> Color(80, 255, 80, 255).rgb Type.ERROR -> Color(255, 80, 80, 255).rgb Type.INFO -> Color(127,174,210).rgb Type.WARNING -> Color(255, 255, 0).rgb }) Stencil.dispose() GL11.glPushMatrix() GlStateManager.disableAlpha() GlStateManager.resetColor() GL11.glColor4f(1F, 1F, 1F, 1F) RenderUtils.drawImage2(when (type) { Type.SUCCESS -> imgSuccess Type.ERROR -> imgError Type.WARNING -> imgWarning Type.INFO -> imgInfo }, kek +2, -24F - y, 18, 18) GlStateManager.enableAlpha() GL11.glPopMatrix() Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(message, -x + 2, -18F - y, -1) } "intellij idea lol" -> { val dist = (x + 1 + 26F) - (x - 8 - textLength) val kek = -x - 1 - 20F GlStateManager.resetColor() if (blur) { GL11.glTranslatef(-originalX, -originalY, 0F) GL11.glPushMatrix() BlurUtils.blurAreaRounded(originalX + kek, originalY + -28F - y, originalX + -x + 8 + textLength, originalY + -y, 3F, strength) GL11.glPopMatrix() GL11.glTranslatef(originalX, originalY, 0F) } Stencil.write(true) if (type == Type.ERROR) { RenderUtils.drawRoundedRect(-x + 9 + textLength, -y + 1, kek - 1, -28F - y - 1, 0F, Color(115,69,75).rgb) RenderUtils.drawRoundedRect(-x + 8 + textLength, -y, kek, -28F - y, 0F, Color(89,61,65).rgb) Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("IDE Error:", -x - 4, -25F - y, Color(249,130,108).rgb) } if (type == Type.INFO) { RenderUtils.drawRoundedRect(-x + 9 + textLength, -y + 1, kek - 1, -28F - y - 1, 0F, Color(70,94,115).rgb) RenderUtils.drawRoundedRect(-x + 8 + textLength, -y, kek, -28F - y, 0F, Color(61,72,87).rgb) Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("IDE Information:", -x - 4, -25F - y, Color(119,145,147).rgb) } if (type == Type.SUCCESS) { RenderUtils.drawRoundedRect(-x + 9 + textLength, -y + 1, kek - 1, -28F - y - 1, 0F, Color(67,104,67).rgb) RenderUtils.drawRoundedRect(-x + 8 + textLength, -y, kek, -28F - y, 0F, Color(55,78,55).rgb) Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("IDE Success:", -x - 4, -25F - y, Color(10,142,2).rgb) } if (type == Type.WARNING) { RenderUtils.drawRoundedRect(-x + 9 + textLength, -y + 1, kek - 1, -28F - y - 1, 0F, Color(103,103,63).rgb) RenderUtils.drawRoundedRect(-x + 8 + textLength, -y, kek, -28F - y, 0F, Color(80,80,57).rgb) Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow("IDE Warning:", -x - 4, -25F - y, Color(175,163,0).rgb) } Stencil.erase(true) GlStateManager.resetColor() Stencil.dispose() GL11.glPushMatrix() GlStateManager.disableAlpha() GlStateManager.resetColor() GL11.glColor4f(1F, 1F, 1F, 1F) RenderUtils.drawImage2(when (type) { Type.SUCCESS -> imgSuccess Type.ERROR -> imgError Type.WARNING -> imgWarning Type.INFO -> imgInfo }, kek + 5, -25F - y, 7, 7) GlStateManager.enableAlpha() GL11.glPopMatrix() Fonts.minecraftFont.drawStringWithShadow(message, -x - 4, -13F - y, -1) } } when (fadeState) { FadeState.IN -> { if (x < width) { if (newAnim) x = net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.AnimationUtils.animate(width, x, animSpeed * 0.025F * delta) else x = AnimationUtils.easeOut(fadeStep, width) * width fadeStep += delta / 4F } if (x >= width) { fadeState = FadeState.STAY x = width fadeStep = width } stay = 60F stayTimer.reset() } FadeState.STAY -> { if (stay > 0) { stay = 0F stayTimer.reset() } if (stayTimer.hasTimePassed(displayTime)) fadeState = FadeState.OUT } FadeState.OUT -> if (x > 0) { if (newAnim) x = net.ccbluex.liquidbounce.utils.AnimationUtils.animate(-width, x, animSpeed * 0.025F * delta) else x = AnimationUtils.easeOut(fadeStep, width) * width fadeStep -= delta / 4F } else fadeState = FadeState.END FadeState.END -> hud.removeNotification(this) } } }
icon and ending photo!
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