Redesky's Bed/Skywars Config. (Undetectable)
Scaffold Counter
is important tbh, because you're going to use scaffold and you won't know how many blocks you're gonna have left before you actually take action and stop before you "fall" or something.EDIT: And
Rotations Body
is important, because some people forget that option. -
quality Anticheat: -
btw is that from my config ?
@Alien-Gurke alright, if you want, you could also try this config.
@Alien-Gurke well i'd record a vid showing this config if i were you but okay, i will try those scripts
@Alien-Gurke I tried gommescaffold, but it doesn't really work on my scaffold, what it does instead is flag. Same speed as the one you showed me on your video, same modifier, not really surprised. Instead, this scaffold includes rotation strafe options + min/maxturnspeed ones and many more, unlike the original liquidbounce's scaffold. 1 more to go, excluding criticals.
EDIT: Tested betternofall with: AAC/Packet/PacketAAC and none of them worked, since it's patched.
EDIT 2: I've heard that the topic [Script] AAC4Criticals has lots of bad comments and some people say that it's better than that script...
@Alien-Gurke yeah, but is criticals really useful ?
tbh it's not really useful, @Alien-Gurke