DESTROYING JartexNetwork... | Bedwars
@infAura, I jumped 150+ blocks in this video, and btw: I add these settings only for Jartex/PikaNetwork. Since that's the thing I mainly focus on. If it were for Vietmine, I'd probably go for a lower one, which is probably never going to happen because my ping sucks there and VPN cannot save me.
EDIT: 0.6 is the new sweet spot for Jartex/Pika. more than 150 blocks, vid probably coming soon
EDIT 2: And I don't think fly will work with tnt jump, about bow boost idk if it will, I tested Vanilla + SmoothVanilla before and it didn't work, unless there's a fly similar to Vanilla then okay...
@_ender1355 Whyyy
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